she's clingy

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A warm feeling came over you as soon as you awoke. From the warm arms wrapped around you to the breath fanning against the side of your neck to the flutter in your heart; it's the first time you've woken up happy and excited for the day ahead in the last three months.

Selena came home from tour last night. You picked her up at the airport and though she was talkative and ready to share stories about the things that happened over the last three months, she was tired and fell asleep before you knew it.

But you didn't mind. Because you fell asleep soon after, warm and content in her arms. And now, you're waking up the same way and feeling so good about it.

Knowing she's missed having good home-cooked meals, you thought you'd make her a nice breakfast in bed. You know how much she deserves it. So after waking up for a minute and admiring her for the next few, you kicked the blankets away and lifted her hand from your stomach to set it on the bed so you could sneak away.

You made it to the bathroom and turned the water on before reaching for your toothbrush. You stared down at the sink as you brushed your teeth but the feeling of her arms wrapping back around you made you jump. Her face buried in the crook of your neck, her breath tickled your skin and you lifted your head to look at her in the mirror. She looked so sleepy but so cute with her cozy pajamas on and her messy hair pulled into a ponytail, though her locks were beginning to fall out of it and hang behind her ear.

"You left me." She mumbled.

You chuckled and rinsed your mouth out before placing your toothbrush back in the holder. Turning around, you welcomed her into your arms. Her head fell to your chest, her lips lazily brushed against your collarbone as she relished in your warmth and comfort of your embrace.

"I'm sorry. You were sleeping. I know how hard you've been working and I didn't want to wake you just yet. I was gonna make you some breakfast and bring it up to you."

"That sounds lovely." She mumbled and then hummed against your skin as you started to rub her back.

"Well then go back to bed and I'll bring it up to you when it's done."

"No. You're not there. I want to be with you."

You couldn't deny how happy it made you feel knowing that all she wanted was to be with you. So you just kissed her head and said,

"Brush your teeth."

She nodded and let you go, but took your hand to pull you to the sink with her.

"Hold me?"

You playfully rolled your eyes at her before hugging her from behind as she brushed her teeth. You combed your fingers through her hair and kissed her neck until she finished.

"Okay. I'm gonna go make breakfast now."

"Okay. I'll come with you." She said and followed you down the stairs, her hand on the small of your back the entire time.

When you reached the kitchen and started to gather everything you'd need for the food, she just smiled as she watched you.

She couldn't help but fall more in love with you each time she glanced at you. You were so thoughtful, so loving, that you wanted her to have a special breakfast after a long couple of months and that warmed her heart so greatly.

Once you finished setting everything up and your hands were free, she took ahold of one of them and pulled you away from the counter and into her arms. She snuggled close to you, head resting on yours as she just held you tight in her arms in a moment of peacefulness.

"I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Sel." You whispered as you pulled your head from her chest to look up at her. "I'm so proud of you though. I know you had fun on tour. I'm still waiting for you to tell me all the stories you've got."

She laughed before pushing her lips onto yours.

"I will later on. For now, let me hold you and kiss you."

"What about breakfast?" You asked, smiling as she pecked your lips again and again.

"In a few. It can wait a minute or two." She said and lifted you onto a clear part of the counter before leaning in to kiss you more lovingly, more passionately, than before.

She'd missed you so much and had no plans on letting you go now that she has you back in her arms again.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now