you're sick and not answering your phone

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Selena closed and locked the front door behind her and put her things down on your couch.

She's worried about you. Your car sat in the driveway letting her know you hadn't gone out anywhere. Yet you weren't answering your phone. You weren't answering her frantic calls and worried messages. So, she wanted to come by and check on you.

She saw there were no dishes in the sink meaning you most likely hadn't eaten all day. She crept down the hallway until she reached your bedroom. The door was only open a crack so she lightly pushed on it till it was opened all the way.

There you were safe and sound in bed. Well, sorta.

She could see the bucket beside your bed, the tissues in the trash can, and the almost empty box on your nightstand. When she stepped closer she saw the beads of sweat on your pale skin. She realized then that you were clearly sick and it did nothing to give her relief like she'd hoped to come to check on you would.

She sat down next to you on the edge of the bed and brushed a few hairs away from your face. She put her hand on your forehead and felt that you definitely had a fever.

Your eyes slowly opened as her thumb brushed over your skin as she got caught up in her anxious thoughts, unaware she was even moving it across your skin.


She stared at you worryingly. "Yeah, angel. It's me."

You whimpered as you moved from your side to your back. "Why are you here?" She bit her lip when she saw the look in your eyes. You looked miserable and she felt guilty for not coming to check on you sooner. "You weren't answering my calls or texts. I wanted to make sure you were alright."

You sighed and closed your eyes. "Sorry. I was sick this morning and I fell asleep a few hours ago. I've been trying to sleep off whatever it is that I've got. You should go, Sel. I don't want you to catch whatever it is. Trust me, it sucks."

She shook her head. "I don't care about getting sick right now. I'm more worried about you. You're hydrated, right? Are you hungry or anything? Did you take some medicine?" you chuckled and peeked an eye open to stare at your very concerned yet really sweet and wonderful girlfriend.

"I'm really not hungry. I drank plenty of water and I don't have any medicine." She leaned down to kiss your warm forehead. "I'll go get you something if you want me to." You shrugged and moved the comforter down and patted the other side of your soft mattress.

"In a little while. I'm sure I'll be falling back asleep soon. But until then, I'd really just love for you to lay here with me and hold me."  Selena could never resist that. She slid beneath the blanket and you put your head on her chest.

A yawn escaped your lips and you closed your eyes as she pulled the blankets up around you both. "I hope you feel better soon." She said as she put her fingers in your hair and started to play with it in hopes it'd bring you a little comfort, which it did.

"Me too." You mumbled and fell back asleep.

Surely if she was there with you, it wouldn't take you too long to feel better.

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