it's time - part two (requested)

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The hospital gown felt uncomfortable on your skin. You squeezed Mandy's hand tightly as the pain continued to come and seemed to grow stronger and more intense every time.

"Where is she?"

Mandy wasn't sure what to say. She was growing a little anxious. Selena's plane was supposed to land a little while ago but she has yet to call and inform you that she was on her way or to come bursting through the door.

Mandy knew this day would come. She's been excited about her grandchild gracing the world since you and Selena first told her you were pregnant. She was over the moon for you both! But she didn't imagine things turning out this way. She didn't expect to be the hand you'd hold when the pain seemed to become too overwhelming and she didn't expect to see you looking at her with tears in your eyes as you begged her to make Selena come bursting through the door.

She was scared, but she knew she couldn't be as scared as you and Selena felt.

"She's on her way, sweetheart. It's all gonna be okay. Try to breathe."

You shook your head quickly. "I don't think I can." You cried. "I need Selena."

The gown was sliding off your shoulder and she fixed it for you while also looking around the room for something to help you. "Did you and Selena ever discuss pain medicine?" She asked as her hands fell to your shoulders to try to massage them for you.

"I don't want it." You cried. "I just want Selena. She was supposed to be here. I can't do it without her here." You mumbled before yet another wave of unbearable pain hit you. Your thighs clenched, your back ached, the pain caused your toes to curl as you grit your teeth.

It was clear things were progressing further along. Mandy wasn't sure what to say to help ease your mind, but thankfully she didn't have to say anything. Because the door was swinging open a moment later, in the short break of pain you had.

"Y/N!" Selena rushed to you. Her hand fell to your back as relief washed over her. "I'm so sorry. My flight got delayed for about fifteen minutes and then I couldn't get a cab for the life of me and my phone died so I couldn't call you or my mom! I'm so sorry, baby. I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner but I'm here now." She comforted.

You simply took her hand into yours and intertwined your fingers. "Thank you. Thank you for making it. I don't think I could've gone another minute without you."

Selena cupped your cheek. Her thumb brushed along your skin. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." She said but her heart quickly sank in her chest when you whimpered in pain and tightened your grip on her hand.

She looked toward her mom and sent her a small smile. "Thank you for being here with her, mom."

Mandy smiled and rubbed your shoulder while Selena used her free hand to rub along your back. "No need to thank me. I wasn't gonna let her do it alone and I knew you wouldn't either. I'm happy you're here and you get to witness this beautiful moment." Mandy said. "Now, you get that beautiful baby here. I'll be waiting." She said and gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze before she stepped out of the room to let you and Selena share these last few hours together before your lives changed forever.


Time was dragging by. Each minute seemed more agonizing than the last.

You exhaled shakily. You were gripping the hospital blanket over the bed in your hands tightly. Selena was kneeling behind you with her hands moving along your back, shoulders, or your hips; anywhere and everywhere you needed.

"I can't do it anymore." You mumbled as sweat gathered on your skin. Selena glanced toward the clock on the wall. Surprisingly, it had only been eight hours since you called her to tell her that your baby was on the way. Time moved by so quickly, yet so slowly at the same time. She knew it was gonna be soon with how close everything was now.

"It's okay," she soothed softly but all you did was shake your head. "I know you're getting a little anxious and you're in more pain than you've ever been in before. But you're getting closer. You heard the nurse, it's only gonna be a little bit before it's time. "

She couldn't helpt the way her heart started to beat a little faster at the of your baby entering the world at any moment now.

"This is what we've been waiting for. I know it's awful, but I'm right here with you and I won't let you go."

You exhaled shakily. Lifting your head, you let your eyes lock with hers and you squeezed her hand. This time it wasn't because of the contractions, but because you were genuinely thankful that she was there with you. There's no way you could do it without her.

"I love you." You whispered and squeezed your eyes shut.

"I love you too." She smiled. "Just a little longer,
Y/N. It's gonna be so worth it. You've got this, I know you can do it."


And, just three grueling hours later, it all felt worth it.

When your baby was in your arms and Selena was on the hospital bed beside you. You both had tears in your eyes as you stared at the little boy in your arms that you fell more and more in love with every minute you held him.

He was perfect. With Selena's beautiful brown eyes and your nose and a little patch of dark hair on his head, he was everything you and Selena had ever dreamt of.

"He's beautiful." Selena mumbled tearfully as she stroked his cheek. "I'm so proud of you." She smiled as she kissed your forehead. "You did such a beautiful job. You're the strongest woman I know. I swear that I've only fallen more in love with you today."

"Love you, Sel." You dropped your head to her shoulder. You'd never felt happier than you did now. Your little boy was here and he was absolutely perfect. Your beautiful family was now complete.

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