panic attacks from paparazzi (requested)

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It was a beautiful day outside; the sun was shining, the golden rays shining right on your shoulders causing your skin to feel warm and your heart to feel happy. You just went to your favorite coffee shop and now, you're on your way to see Selena at the studio. You know how overwhelmed she can get at times and you figured it'd be a nice surprise to go visit her.

You were sipping on the drink in your hand as you strolled down the sidewalk. But it was only a moment or two after you stepped out of the shop that the flashing lights and the large men surrounded you. You swallowed thickly and tried to ignore the way your palms began to sweat and your stomach started to swirl.

You tried to keep your head down but it was impossible to ignore the looks you got from people you'd pass by. You felt your heart start to beat harder in your chest as it picked up speed. The paparazzi yelled ridiculous questions, wanting any gossip or information on your personal life. They asked you questions about Selena and yourself, all while stepping closer and crowding around you more and more.

"Please leave me alone." You pleaded but it seemed like the voices got louder and the lights became brighter. You looked around you, desperate for a place where you could go to catch your breath. You noticed a store just a few feet up ahead so you walked faster toward it, which wasn't exactly easy considering your legs felt weak beneath you.

You stepped inside. Your hands were shaking terribly, the drink in your hand falling right out of it and onto the floor. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt the familiar feeling of a panic attack coming over you. You pulled your phone out and called Selena, knowing she'd be the only one who could help you.

"Y/N!" She said cheerfully as she answered your call. You could tell she was smiling. You could almost see that sparkle in her eyes.

"Sel?" You whimpered as your mouth became dry and you started to feel sick.

"Y/N? What is it? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"No. I-I went out on my own. I went to my favorite coffee shop and I wanted to come and surprise you but as I was on my way paparazzi started to swarm me and now I-I can't breathe."

The words fell from your lips in a panicked rush. You could hear the jangling of keys before there was a loud slam of a car door. "Angel, listen to me. I'm on my way right now. Are you safe?"

"I don't know. I'm in a little shop,"

"I know exactly where you're at. I'll be there in a flash." She promised.

It didn't feel like a flash though. It felt like an eternity. It felt like time was dragging by as you hid in an empty part of the store where no eyes would be on you and no one would be able to photograph you. A place where you could hide your face and try to catch your breath, but it was nearly impossible with the panic attack you were in the middle of.

"Y/N!" You heard Selena yell and then the sound of rushed footsteps before you felt the brush of her hand on your arm. Her fingers spread out along your smooth skin as she tried to coax you through the panic attack.

"I can't breathe." You mumbled. "Everyone's staring at me."

Selena shook her head. "No, angel. It's just us. It's only me and you." She assured you. "I know it's awful, but try to breathe for me."

"I can't! I can't breathe. I don't think I can." You cried and gripped her hands tightly in your own.

"You can. I'm here, Y/N. I'm right here. You're gonna be just fine." She said. "I'm sorry this all happened, but I won't let it happen again. I'm with you now." She could feel how fast your pulse was when her fingers slid from yours and moved to your wrist. She rubbed your back and dropped kisses to your head.

She knows how hard this all is. She hates the paparazzi. She hates how invasive they are. How ridicoulous their questions are and how they only care about snapping photos and getting that dirty money. They don't care if someone gets hurt along the way or if their questions drive you to the point of a mental breakdown or overwhelm you entirely.

She hated that this happened to you. She was gonna beat herself up for days. She didn't want you to have to go through these things just because you wanted to grab a coffee from your favorite shop and visit your girlfriend. It wasn't fair to you, or to anyone that has to deal with these types of things.

"You're doing good. It's all gonna be alright." She soothed. "I'm proud of you. You're gonna get through this." She bit her lip as you laid your forehead on her chest. You wanted her to hold onto you and never let you go; and she never would.

You concentrated on your breathing and on Selena. What felt like hours later but was only a few minutes, the panic attack began to fade and you felt like you could breathe again.

"Okay?" Selena wondered as she brushed her hand gently along your cheek.

"Yeah. I think so."

She nodded slowly. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." She whispered sadly.

"Don't. It's not your fault, Sel. It's their's. They're the ones that won't stop pushing people's boundaries. I'm alright now. Do you think you can take me home?"

She cracked a small smile and kissed your temple. "Yeah. I think we should crawl into our pajamas and under the covers. Maybe watch some movies and have a nice, long cuddle session. Sound good, baby girl?"

You sent her that smile she loves so very much and intertwined your fingers together. "I'd really love that." You said and chuckled softly when she kissed your cheek a few times.

Although you were still a little shaken up, you felt much better now, and the idea of spending the rest of the day with her only made you feel happier.

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