your child goes missing (requested)

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You got out of bed and went down the hall to your daughter's room. You accidentally overslept but thankfully not by much, considering you have to take Rosie off to school today.

"Rosie! Time to get up!" You yelled and opened her door but she wasn't in bed. You checked her bathroom and even the spare rooms and Selena's music room but you couldn't find her anywhere. You rushed downstairs and saw Selena in the kitchen at the table, munching on some toast as she scrolled through her phone.

"Have you seen Rosie?" Selena furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "No. I've been down here for almost an hour and she hasn' come down. Why?" You ran to the living room and checked the entire downstairs area of the house as Selena worryingly trailed behind you. "She's gone! I can't find her anywhere" you panicked, frantically tugging at your hair.

She's only 14. Every worry you've ever had for her was now washing over you quickly, taking your breath away and making you feel like you were gonna have an anxiety attack. You had to find her.

Selena sat you down at the table and ran her hand up and down your arm. "Okay, calm down, angel. I'm gonna call her friends' parents, get ahold of them and see if they've seen or heard from her. But you gotta breathe for me, okay?" She kissed your forehead and grabbed her phone before she dialed every number she could think of.

"You haven't seen her? You're sure? We can't find her anywhere. If you hear from her can you call us immediately? Thank you." Selena sighed and bit her lip. "That was the last of her friends. None of them have seen or heard from her. But they said that if they do they'll call us right away."

You bit your nails - a habit you grew out of long ago, but being so anxious you didn't know what else to do. "What if someone took her? What if she's hurt?" Tears welled up in your eyes as the most terrifying worries crept up on you. "Selena?" Selena ran over to you and put her hands on your knees. "I'm so worried about her."

"I know you are. It'll be okay. Let's just try to stay calm and see what happens at the end of the school day. Maybe she just snuck out and couldn't make it back in time before school? I don't know, baby, but I'm sure nothing bad happened. Try to stay calm, get those worries out of your mind. Breathe for me." You nodded and took a few deep breaths before leaning forward and dropping your head on Selena's shoulder, both of you saying a silent prayer together in hopes that your little girl was okay and safe.

But the end of the school day rolled around and there was still no sign of Rosie. She hadn't shown up at school, you had gone to check with her teachers earlier that day and none of them had seen her but promised they'd call you and Selena if they did. There was no phone call. Not from them or from her friends or their parents. There was nothing.

And then dinner time rolled around and you felt sick to your stomach because of how anxious you were. You heard the sound of Selena's keys jingling in her hand. "Let's drive around a bit and see if we can find her."

And that turned up nothing. You went to your neighbors, begging that if they saw her, even just a glimpse of her, to let you or Selena know. They promised they would and they'd look out for her. but nothing happened.

"Baby? You need to sleep." Selena said as she sat down next to you on the couch. It's after five in the morning and you haven't even closed your eyes yet. "I can't. I'm so worried about her." Selena rubbed your back and laid on the couch with you. "I know. I am too." She said as she took some breaths to calm herself. She needed to be strong for you right now.

Morning came all too quickly. You jumped out of Selena's arms as soon as the sun began to rise. "Should we call the police?" She sighed and ran her hands over her face. She'd hoped it wouldn't come down to this. But she nodded her head because it had. "Yeah. I think we should."

You went down to the station and filed a report. Selena squeezed your hand as they promised they'd do everything they could to find Rosie. They told you to go home and they'd let you know if they found her. But you couldn't sit back and wait. No, that was not an option for you.

You made a few fliers and put them around the town with your number and Selena's on them. Desperate times called for desperate measures, but you were beyond desperate.

Another day passed. Neither of you slept. It got to the point that you could barely eat anything. And though Selena was worried about Rosie, she started to worry about you, too. "Y/n, you have to eat. You're not taking care of yourself. Please eat something, sleep a little, even if it's just a couple of hours. Your body needs it." You shook your head. "I can't, Selena."

She sighed, her mind racing as she now had two people to worry about. "Do you think she's okay? What if someone... hurt her. What if we get that call-" Selena interrupted you by taking your hands in hers and shaking her head. "Don't. Don't finish that question. We will find her. She'll be okay. You just gotta take care of yourself too."

She somehow got you to eat before you crashed on the couch for a couple of hours. But the phone rang around two am and it startled you out of your sleep. You jumped up as Selena answered it. "Hello?"

And, finally, someone had spotted her. Selena quickly thanked the neighbor who had called her and hung up the phone. One of the neighbors saw her down at the train station." Selena grabbed the keys and you both rushed to the car before driving off to the train station.

It was an hour's drive from your house to the station but it felt like forever. You called the neighbor back and told her not to let Rosie out fo her sight, that you were on your way and you would be there shortly.

And you got there just in time. The train was about to take off. But your little girl was sitting on a bench with the neighbor who had called you. "Rosie? Rosie!" You ran over to her and Selena was quickly following behind you. You knelt down on the ground in front of your little girl who looked dirty and hungry. She'd lost a little weight and her clothes were dirty. But she was safe and that's all you cared about.

Rosie wrapped her arms around you and cried onto your shoulder. "I'm sorry, moms." She cried and you and Selena looked at each other before holding onto her and rubbing her back. "It's okay. We've got you now."

You sat there for a while before getting up. you both thanked the neighbor for calling before watching her get on the train as she went out of town for a bit.

The ride home was quiet. Rosie didn't say much but you could hear her crying. When you got home you all sat on the couch together as Rosie explained what had happened.

"I met a girl. She said we'd go away together for a while" you buried your head in your hands and sighed. "I'm sorry mom. I shouldn't have listened to her. She never showed anyways. But I was scared. I got scared that you'd be mad at me or you'd ground me and so I stayed low for a couple of days."

"Were you gonna get on that train?" She shook her head. "I wanted to but I knew I'd never be able to go through with it. I'm sorry I let you both down. I'd understand if you're both disappointed in me."

You and Selena both reached for her hands, both of you holding one. "We're not disappointed and we're not mad. We just got really worried. We love you so much, we only want the best for you. No more running away or sneaking out for a long while."

"Yeah, and no more dating." Selena joked making you all laugh as Rosie leaned her head on Selena's shoulder. "You're only 14, you don't need to be dating right now. That can wait, the right person will come along eventually. But you're young and you need to focus on school for right now. If and when you decide to get into a relationship, I promise that they won't tell you that you need to run away to be together." She smiled and planted a bunch of kisses to her daughter's head.

Rosie smiled and curled up closer to you both. "I promise I'll never do this again. I love you both and I'm happy you still love me." You chuckled at her worrying over something so crazy. You put your head on hers and smiled down at her. "We'll never stop loving you. Promise. Now, go take a shower. I think we should order takeout and watch a movie together."

Rosie nodded excitedly before running upstairs to take a quick shower. "She's growing up so fast." You mumbled as Selena took her phone to order food. "yeah. But she'll always be our little girl."

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