the first time you see her wearing glasses (requested)

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You rolled over in bed, expecting to be met with your girlfriend's warm arms and the sound of her heartbeat in your ear. But you felt the cold sheets where she lays instead, which made your eyes shoot open quickly.

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and looked around for her, but didn't see her anywhere. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and padded along the floor until you reached the stairs.

"Selena?" You called out as loudly as you could, but you felt sleepy still so your voice cracked and proved to be quieter than you hoped.

But you got a response. Not in the way of the sound of her voice like you thought, but rather the sound of pans clattering in the kitchen. You followed the sound, creeping down the stairs and into the kitchen where you heard Selena cursing under her breath.

Her back was toward you but you melted over how cute she looked nonetheless. You couldn't see her face, but she was wearing one of her sweaters and had her hair pulled back into a messy bun.

She looked awfully cuddly and absolutely irresistible. You wanted to walk up behind her and bring her into your arms and never let her go.

And you were just about to make your way to her when she turned around. She was rubbing her eyes like they were almost irritated, she seemed a little frustrated as another curse word fell from her lips. She was taken by surprise to find you standing there but a small smile still tugged at her lips regardless.

"Morning, Sel!"

She repeated the word back to you before walking over to the other part of the kitchen, where she turned away from you so you couldn't see her face.

You heard something snap shut, like a case being closed, before your girlfriend hurriedly shoved past you and over to the stove.

She buried her face in the little cookbook she had out as she pretended to browse around for a recipe for breakfast she could make the both of you, as though she didn't already have one she knew you'd love prepared.

You snuck up behind her, simply wanting to hold her close and hug her tight. You buried your face in the crook of her neck and sighed as you breathed in the smell of her body wash that lingered on her skin from the shower she took last night.

You went to brush back the stray hair hanging in her face, but she quickly pulled away and turned her face so you couldn't see her.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine, baby."

You didn't believe her but decided to brush it off.

Feeling in love and desperate for a morning kiss from your girl, you tugged at the hem of her shirt.

"Can you turn around so I can kiss you good morning like we always do?"

She shook her head, which made you frown.

"Selena," you sighed and turned her around, planning to pout your lips and plead for a kiss from her.

But your jaw nearly dropped when you saw her face. She pushed her glasses up as they slid down the bridge of her nose just slightly. She hung her head, feeling nervous and a little shy.

"I didn't know you wore glasses!"

She just shrugged her shoulders shyly. To get her to look at you and catch another glimpse of the precious sight, you hooked your fingers under her chin and lifted it gently.

Your eyes locked with hers. They lacked the sparkle they usually hold, which caused you to frown and lose the sparkle in your eyes, too.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so down?"

"I don't know..." she mumbled, but she knew you know better. She knows you know something is wrong. "I guess I didn't want you to see me in my glasses."

"What? Why not? You look so cute!"

She perked up a little. Her cheeks reddened a little and you could tell she saw the sincerity in your eyes, causing her to smile at the compliment.


"Of course. You're amazing, Sel." You said, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "Don't tell me you were ashamed of your glasses, or you feel insecure while wearing them. You look adorable."

"You really think so?"

"Would I ever lie to you?" You asked as you dropped your forehead onto hers and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you. You look exquisite."

She giggled and turned around to start cooking, but as soon as the burner was on you were reaching around to turn it back off.

"What are you doing?" She wondered as she turned to face you.

You put your arms around her and pulled her close, leaning in to kiss her lovingly.

"Breakfast can wait. Let me kiss you a little more first, cutie."

She just smiled against your lips and melted into you as her confidence grew and she felt tremendous happiness, thanks to you.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now