you get jealous (requested)

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Another boring party. Another one you so badly wanted to skip but came along to anyway because Selena really didn't want to come alone.

You threw the empty red cup away and looked around for Selena. She was supposed to be back over here by now, all she left to get was something to drink for herself. But it's been at least fifteen minutes now and she hasn't returned yet.

You pushed through the crowded room, cringing as you walked by couples and strangers grinding against each other. You tried to block out the loud chatter, the blaring music, and the lights that were a little too bright.

And that's when you saw it.

Some girl was standing beside your girlfriend. She was clearly flirting; she had that ridiculous fake laugh, kept touching Selena's arm, and she was biting her lip as her eyes roamed over her body. Your girlfriend looked a little uncomfortable which only made you angrier.

"What's going on over here?" You asked as you approached the two of them. Selena looked so tense and she shot you an almost grateful look. The woman, on the other hand, only scoffed at you which made you seethe.

"Hey, she's happily taken. She's mine. So go flirt with someone else. You've got no chance." You had a look of pride in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around Selena. When the girl just stood there in shock with wide eyes, you decided to take things up a notch and kiss Selena as passionately as possible.

She threw her drink down and stormed away. You chuckled both from how immature she was and how victorious you felt.

"So... that kiss..." Selena said as she turned around to face you. Her arms looped around your neck and a blush crept onto your face. "Sorry. She was just so annoying and she couldn't take a hint. I guess I got a little possessive."

Selena pecked your lips again, barely pulling away to whisper, "I didn't say I didn't like it, angel," She winked making you shake your head with a giggle.

She turned her head and caught the eyes of the annoying and persistent woman. She saw the gleam in her eyes when their eyes locked for a second. She rolled her eyes and turned back to you to find you glaring at the annoying stranger.

"C'mere," Selena whispered as she tilted your chin up and pressed her lips back to yours, her arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer as she deepened the kiss, making it very clear to that woman that she was already happily taken.

And when you pulled away you saw her storm off angrily, the shoe now on the other foot as she was the jealous one.

"I think she understands now," you grinned making Selena laugh. "I love you so much," you whispered and kissed her again, hearing Selena mutter the words back to you as she held you close, falling even more in love with you at that moment.

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