she takes care of you after you have surgery

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I just had surgery yesterday so this gave me the best inspiration 💓


Selena held onto your waist and helped you out of the car. "Go slow, take your time." She let you grip her sweater in your hand and her heart broke with every wince that left your lips with every step you took.

It took you a few minutes but eventually you got inside the house. Selena helped you lay back on the couch before she knelt on the floor in front of you.

You had tears in your eyes from the pain. Selena held her hand out for you, a smile on her face when you took it and started to play with her fingers before intertwining them with yours a moment later.

"Let me go get you some water so you can take your pain pills. I'll be right back." She promised, kissing your forehead and muttering against your skin to let her know if you needed anything else before she returned.

You laid there for a moment just thinking of how lucky you were to have Selena. Throughout this entire experience, she remained right by your side, kissing away all of your fears and worries. She was there holding your hand when you woke up. She was there when you went under anesthesia. She was there giving you reassurance when you needed it most. Without her, you don't think you would've been able to handle it all.

You felt a hand brush your cheek, snapping you out of your thoughts. Selena was sitting in front of you on the floor, a small smile on her face. "Here, Angel. Take these for me." She helped you sit up a little bit to swallow the pills and a few sips of water.

She then helped you lay back down when you were done. She grabbed the fluffy blanket from the back of the couch and carefully pulled it over you. She was careful not to come into contact with your stomach, knowing that your pain was already bad, she didn't wanna make it worse.

"Need anything else? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?" You smiled as she continued to ramble on and on. You grabbed her hand and laced your fingers together again, a small, sleepy smile on your lips when you saw her brown eyes that were filled with worry light up when you squeezed her hand.

"I'm okay, Sel." She kissed your forehead and adjusted her sweater that you were wearing as it was falling off your shoulder. "You look so cute in my sweater," she said as she kissed both of your cheeks a few times.

"Can you lay with me?" You asked as you ran your thumb across her knuckles.

Selena was hesitant. She wanted to cuddle you so badly. She hasn't been able to much lately because you've been hurting so much and any contact with your stomach before surgery was torture and Selena didn't wanna cause you any more pain.

"I don't know-" "please? Selena, I need you." As soon as you said those words her heart broke. She quickly kicked her shoes off and, very slowly and very carefully, climbed behind you on the couch.

Her hand rested on your side. She fought the urge to wrap her arm around you, knowing you were too sensitive for that still.

"You let me know if you need anything, anything at all. I'll get it for you, whatever you need." You smiled to yourself as she trailed a few kisses across your neck.

"I love you Selena. Thank you for being here with me through this."

"No need to thank me, y/n. You're my girlfriend, of course I'm gonna be here with you through this. I'm always gonna be by your side. I promise."

She ran her thumb across your arm and watched you close your eyes. "I love you so much, angel. Get some sleep. I'm here if you need anything at all."

She started to play with your hair as you fell asleep. She thanked her lucky stars that you were gonna be okay soon enough. She's seen you through your worst and tried her best to take your pain away, but she couldn't. And now, soon enough, you'd recover and be back to your normal self. You'd soon be out of pain, and Selena was so thankful for that.

And she was gonna be right by your side the entire time to get you whatever you needed. She was gonna take care of you through it all.

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