kissing you unexpectedly

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Your eyes fluttered open when you felt Selena softly caressing your cheek. Greeting you with a sweet smile and a kiss on your cheek, she whispered a good morning softly in your ear.

"Good morning to you too, Sel." You mumbled as you stretched out your legs and basked in the warmth of the golden rays of the sun on your skin, as well as Selena's fingertips and soft lips.

"Did you sleep well?" She wondered.

Since last night was the first time you stayed overnight with her, she wanted to make sure you slept well.

Although she felt she already knew the answer to her own question. Judging by how you slept the whole night through, right in her embrace. She even woke up a little earlier than you did to watch you sleep peacefully. She liked the thought of knowing that you always feel content and secure with her.

"I did." You smiled. "How could I not when you were holding onto me?"

When she caressed your face again you closed your eyes and leaned into her touch. "What are we gonna do today? Do you have anything you have to get done or do I get you all to myself,"

Just as you opened your eyes to stare into her own as you spoke, Selena's lips hit yours softly. It was a loving kiss and you could even feel the steady beat of her heart when her chest touched yours for a second.

She pulled away much too soon for your liking, but your heart melted in your chest when she sent you a smile and spoke softly. "I know that was a little unexpected but I couldn't help it." She whispered. "This is the first time you've ever woken up by my side and I can't help but wonder how I got so lucky to have you." She pecked your lips once, twice, and then a third time.

"But no. I've got nothing to do and nowhere to be. I'm yours for the entire day and maybe even... tonight? If you wanna stay over again." She offered.

You could see the hopeful look in her eyes. Since you also didn't have anything important to do over the next couple of days, so staying with Selena sounded like the best way to spend those days and nights.

"I mean, only if you want to,"

This time, as she rambled a little, you interrupted her by planting a kiss to her lips. She hummed against your lips, whining a little when you pulled away.

"I'd absolutely love that." You mumbled and then looped your arms around her neck to bring her in for another kiss.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now