Her birthday

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You woke up bright and early this morning because it's finally Selena's birthday and you're so excited about it! You looked next to you to find her sound asleep in her favorite sweater. You managed to sneak out of bed and go downstairs to make her some breakfast. Her party wasn't until this evening which means you have lots of time to just relax in bed, something Selena said she wanted to do with you.

After her breakfast was done you put it on a plate and took it upstairs to her. You pushed the door open a crack and walked in, setting the plate down on the table next to her before crawling on the bed. "Selena wake up." You kissed he cheek and her eyes fluttered open, a smile appearing on her face when her eyes met yours. "Happy birthday baby!" She giggled and ran a hand through her hair before sitting up. Her smile grew wider when you set the plate of breakfast on her lap. "I made you a special birthday breakfast." She grabbed your hand and pressed her lips to it. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

After she ate the breakfast you made for her, that she ended up sharing with you, she had you lay back down under the blankets next to her. You turned on her favorite movie and she cuddled you close to her. You opened the drawer of your nightstand pulled out the gift you bought her, pausing the movie and turning around in her arms to face her. "Here, Sel." She ran her hand across your back. "I thought we agreed on no gifts?" Selena told you that she didn't want anything for her birthday, except to be with you. But of course you bought her something anyways because it is her birthday and you liked buying her things, something you didn't get to do much.

"I know but I really wanted to get you something. Open it." You held the box out in front of her and she opened it, smiling happily when she saw a necklace on it with the letter of your first name. Last year for your birthday she bought you a necklace with an 'S' on it and you've worn it everyday since. "It's beautiful y/n, thank you so much." She pulled you in for a hug and you helped her put the necklace on before she pulled you back in her arms. "What do you wanna do? It's your birthday, your choice, Selena." You tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "Let's just cuddle and watch some movies for a while. Like I said, I just wanna stay in bed with my favorite girl for a while." She wrapped her arms a little tighter around you. You complied, it is her birthday after all and you couldn't complain about staying in bed with her for a while.

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