it's time (requested)

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This is my first time ever writing a chapter like this and I'm really happy with how it turned out 💗 I hope you guys enjoy it

You opened your eyes to be met with a dark room. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and turned your head to check the time on the clock. 1:30 am. You groaned out from frustration. This has been happening too often now. The past few weeks you've been waking up in the middle of the night either needing to use the bathroom or being kicked in your ribs. Being pregnant was no picnic.

You sighed and kicked off the blanket thinking you had to use the bathroom, but you gasped when a pain in your stomach stopped you from leaving the bed. It was intense, something that you've been preparing yourself for but hoped and prayed that the time they began wouldn't be when Selena was away.

But that just seemed to be your luck. She's only a couple hours away but that was enough to make you anxious. She was contracted in for a coach event that she hoped wouldn't be till after you had the baby but came much sooner than expected.

"Now? Of all times?" You muttered to yourself and reached for your phone. You unlocked it and went to Selena's number, calling her instantly. "Please pick up, please pick up" you whispered, tears filling your eyes when reality hit you that you really are having a baby today.

"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Selena answered, the sleep evident in her voice. She's been busy and it is after one in the morning, so it was no wonder why she was so tired. You felt bad for waking her but you knew you had no choice.

"Um... no. Not really." You paused and bit your lip, trying to keep your anxiety down as the pain continued. "Why? Is it the baby? Are you okay?" Your vision started to blur with tears and even though she couldn't see you, you shook your head. "I think it's time..."

You could hear Selena pushing the blankets away from her hotel bed. "You're sure?" Your heart was racing when you said yes. "Okay. Shoot, uh, you need to call my mom. Can you do that, angel? She should be there within ten minutes and she can get you to the hospital."

You shook your head and started to cry. "No. Selena, I need you." You heard Selena sigh sadly, clearly feeling guilty for leaving when you're so heavily pregnant. This was a possibility all along but she hoped that it wouldn't happen while she wasn't around. She could tell that you're scared and it broke her heart that she wasn't next to you to hold your hand and remind you to take deep breaths.

"I know. I'm gonna be there, I promise. you know I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm not gonna let you do this on your own, okay? I'll be there. I just need you to get to the hospital so I know you're safe..." She said calmly even though she was freaking out on the inside. "Okay, stay on the phone with me. I'm gonna use the hotel phone to call my mom." She's never dialed her mom's number so quickly and she was cursing under her breath with every ring.

But her mom finally answered and Selena has never felt so relieved. "Mom? I need you to go get y/n to the hospital. It's time. I'll be there in a couple hours but she needs to get to the hospital." There were a few more words exchanged that you didn't quite catch because you were too focused on trying to breathe through the horrible pain.

"baby? You there?" You took a shaky breath before answering. "Yeah." Selena let out another sigh. "Good, okay. My mom is on her way, she'll be there in about ten minutes, or from how much she was panicking maybe like five." Selena joked and it made you laugh. She knew that had to be a good sign, if you're still able to laugh then it can't be too bad yet.

"I just booked a flight. I'll be there in less than an hour. I just need you to hang in there for me. Just remember to breathe deep. I know you're scared, I know you've been anxious about this day, but I'll be right by your side the whole time. I promise." You sniffled and went to respond when the door downstairs opened and closed. "I think your moms here" You muttered and just a few seconds later, Mandy was rushing into the room. "Is she there, angel?"

Mandy rubbed your back soothingly. Although it wasn't Selena, it was still relieving knowing that you weren't alone now. "Yeah..." "Okay, good. I'm about to get on my flight in just a minute. You've got this, my strong girl. you'll be alright." You nodded tearfully. "Okay. I love you, Selena." Selena smiled, even though you couldn't see her. "I love you too. I'll be there with you in about an hour, I promise."

you whispered an 'okay' before hanging up and looking at Mandy with tears in your eyes. "You ready for this?" You shook your head. "No, but there's obviously no avoiding this. You won't leave till Selena gets there, right?" Mandy nodded her head and wiped the sweat from your forehead. "I won't leave until she's by your side. I promise. Now, let's get you to the hospital. You'll be okay." She helped you up slowly and let you take your time and lean right on her until you were out to the car.

Your baby was really coming. yours and Selena's lives were about to change forever. And though you felt like you could possibly pass out from the pain, you also couldn't wait. It's been nine months in the making for this very day, and you're ready for it.

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