Aerophobia - fear of flying

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Before you started dating Selena you had never even been on a plane. You were terrified of them. Being so high up in the air was just one of the many things that made you nervous and you swore to yourself that you'd never fly on a plane.

But that all changed when you met Selena and you two became an official couple. Selena had surprised you with tickets to Bora Bora, a place you've always dreamed of visiting but obviously never did because of flying. All that was gonna change today and you were anxious about it. You've never told Selena about your fear so when you got seated on the plane and held her hand so tight she feared it might break, she knew something was up.

"Y/n? Are you scared of flying, sunshine?" You looked at her with wide eyes and she ran her thumb across your cheek. "Oh baby. There's nothing to be afraid of." You took a deep breath when the pilot announced that you were ready for takeoff and your hands were trembling as whimpers left your lips. "Hey now, shh. It's alright. Just squeeze my hand and close your eyes. It'll all be okay?" You did as she said, squeezing her hand for dear life as the plane started to takeoff.

You opened one eye a few seconds later and looked out the window, gasping when you noticed how high up in the clouds you were. "Selena. We're flying." Selena giggled and ran her thumb across your knuckles. "Yeah we are. You're doing great baby."

When you finally landed in bora bora you were running on pure adrenaline, asking Selena when you would be flying again. It was much more exciting than you thought it would be and you couldn't wait to do it again. As long as Selena was with you, you could do anything.

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