amazing (requested)

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Selena watched with a smile as your ten-year-old daughter, Jasmine, said goodbye to her friends and walked to the car. "Hey, sweetheart. Have a good day?" Selena wondered as Jasmie looked around in the car. "Mom isn't here?" Selena frowned. "No, sweetie. She stayed home today. Everything alright?"

Jasmine's mood seemed to change at that. She smiled widely and got into the backseat of the car. "Did you have a good day at school?"

"Yeah, it was fun!"

Selena pulled out of the parking spot and started to drive home. She wanted to ask Jasmine why she seemed so worried about if you were there or not but she decided to drop it, thinking that maybe the little girl just wanted some time with only her.

They finally arrived home about twenty minutes later. Jasmine rushed inside and bent down to play with the excited dog at her feet, Jake. He's technically your service dog but he's the friendliest dog and always plays so well with Jasmine.

Selena grabbed her backpack. The zipper was open and she could see a paper poking out. She pulled it out curiously, thinking it was homework that Jasmine had to start on. But it was for a thing at school tomorrow. "Jasmine? Why didn't you tell me that you had something going on at school tomorrow?"

The little girl turned back to Selena with wide eyes. She shrugged her small shoulders. "Okay. Can I come then?" She nodded excitedly. "Okay. I'll talk with mom and see if she wants to come too."

"No! Only you!"

Selena frowned. "What? Why don't you want your mom there?"

"Because people say things about her!"

Selena's heart dropped. "B-Because she's blind?"

Jasmine nodded. "She embarrasses me. I don't want her there, not ever."

Selena opened her mouth to rationalize with her but she heard a sniffle come from the doorway. She looked over to see you there. "Y/n..."

You just walked away, leaving Selena heartbroken. "Jasmine that was not nice of you. Your mother loves you so much. She can't control being blind, you know she was born that way. It's out of her control."

Jasmine looked at her hands.

"Honey, I know people say things. I know people are cruel, trust me, I do. But there isn't a thing your mother wouldn't do for you. You know just because she's blind doesn't mean she treats anyone differently."

"No, mommy is nice."

Selena nodded her head with a smile. She's more than just that. You know you are her whole world."

"After you!"

Selena laughed. "She loves us both in different ways. But you, my love, are so precious to her. She's never seen your face but she knows you're the most beautiful little girl in the world. When people say things it's just because they don't understand. They don't know what your mom goes through, but they don't know how absolutely amazing she si too, right?"

Jasmine smiled brightly. "I think you owe your mom an apology," Selena said. "Come with me?"

"Okay. But you're saying it." She nodded and walked with Jasmine down the hall to where you were. "Baby, someone has something to tell you."

The next thing you knew, a pair of small arms were wrapping around your neck. "I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean it. I love you." Jasmine giggled when you kissed her forehead. "People say things about you but you're amazing and I love you!"

You cracked a smile as Selena did the same from the doorway. "Thank you. I understand if you only want her there tomorrow, I'll stay home if that's what you want, sweetie."

"No! You have to come too." You pulled her in for another hug. "I love you so much." You whispered. "Selena?"

"Yeah?" She asked, approaching you.

"You know what time it is?"

Selena and Jasmine both gasped excitedly. "Cuddle time."

You fell back onto the bed as Selena laid down next to you and Jasmine sandwiched herself between you both. "I love you mom," you heard Jasmine whisper before she kissed your cheek. "You too, mom," she giggled, kissing Selena near her eye.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now