43| Bonus- Not Without You

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Today is January 8th. Today 4 years ago, I lost my aunt to ovarian cancer. She was a fighter. She always remained positive about her situation, even through the darkest times of her life. She worked late nights and early mornings, though she still managed to make time for me and my family.

Her passing was one of the biggest losses in my life. I had never felt such a large part of my life being taken away like that. I still miss her today, but I know she's no longer in pain. She fought all her life and thats the kind of woman I want to be one day: a fighter.

This is mostly just a vent for me, so we're taking a break from the AU.

The young insomniac started at his ceiling, the only sound in the room his breathing. The minutes that had just wizzed by felt like hours as the somber mood began to engulf him.

Midnight had now dawned on the day he lost [Y/N],  a year ago.

The silence made him suffer. Normally, you would be there to lay in his arms, whispering sweet nothings, practically cooing him to sleep. But without you there, the bed was cold and empty.

"Look at this butterfly!" [Y/N] chided as their boyfriend looked over at them, love laced through his lilac eyes. A beautiful blue butterfly had managed to land on [Y/N]'s hand, sparking a blush on their soft cheeks. Hitoshi wasted no time in pulling out his phone and capturing this.

Had he deleted the photo from his phone? Yes.
From his memory? Not in a million years.

"Didn't you come over here to finish the stupid math assignment with me?" [Y/N] questioned as their boyfriend wrapped his arms around their waist. "Of course not, dummy." He responded as he nuzzled his head into the crook of their neck. [Y/N] sighed knowing that if they couldn't get the homework done, they could at least get some cuddling out of it."

Hitoshi's eyes wandered towards the piles of schoolwork that were left untouched on his desk. It was never the same- not without [Y/N], that is.

Both [Y/N]'s and Hitoshi's features were highlighted in the moons soft rays. Slowly, their hands intertwined with his as they pressed their lips against his. The warmth radiating from his body made the cool night all the more bearable. It wasn't their first kiss, and wouldn't be the last. Just one of those kisses that you remember. One that seemed to just happen perfectly. One where both are at peace and head over heels for each other- those kinds of kisses.

All of a sudden, Hitoshi bursted into tears. They streamed down his face as he remembered he would never have that feeling again. Not without you.

Hey guys. Thanks for reading. Sorry that this is sad, I just needed to get it off my chest.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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