09 | Stay

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"Look, Y/n, if you don't want to talk about whatever's going on then thats fine. Don't pressure yourself. But remember that i'm your friend and i'm always going to listen to you." Shinsou said with a Concerned face. I just nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder blade.

A waited a few minutes until both me and Shinsou were ready to fall asleep. It was getting late anyways. I thought he was asleep, so I attempted to get up before feeling a tight grasp on my wrist. I tried breaking free of it, but Shinsou was stronger then me.

"Can't you just stay the night?" Shinsou asked with a sad and tired voice. I looked back at him. He seemed desperate.

" Are you sure"- I was cut off by Shinsou pulling my into his arms by my wrist. I find myself just going along with it. He lays down and gently strokes my hair and whispers nothing but good things to me.

"Do you wan't to talk about it?" Shinsou asks.

" Not exactly." I respond.

All of a sudden, I feel my body freeze. I look up at Shinsou. Then it hit me.

God Damn, His quirk! I should've just said nothing.
"Tell me whats been bothering you." He demands.

"I've been having these terrifying nightmares that keep me up at night. I haven't been able to sleep since I started getting them. It makes me feel empty sometimes..." I respond unwillingly. Shinsou looks at me. All of a sudden, My Vision goes back to normal and I'm able to move. I bury my face in his Chest. He continues to gently stroke my hair and sighs. " I'm sorry I forced that on you..." He whispers. I started to silently cry. Shinsou Kissed my forehead as a way to comfort me. He wipes my tears away. I look away for a moment.

My eyes widen when he turns my head to face him and softly plants a kiss on my lips. He pulls away and see's how red my cheeks were. There was a moment of silence until I spoke again. "You've never actually kissed someone  before, have you?" I ask giggling. "W-was I that bad?" He asks flustered. "No, you were amazing. I reassured him. And it was true, his lips were course, yet so soft.

I don't remember much that happened from then. Just falling asleep in his arms, not having a single nightmare at all.


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