15 | Stronger

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Some swearing!

Sero POV

I get up despite all of me wanting to stay down. I help Kaminari up and notice how much his forehead is bleeding. "Holy shit, are you okay?!" I ask him frantically. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." He spits out while wiping the blood off him lips.

I sit up and look in front of me to see almost nothing but smoke, but heard a lot of yelling.

"Are you guys ok?" A voice asked me, snapping me out of my trance. I look over to see Recovery girl glaring at me and Kaminari. "What happened?!" Kaminari explained. "You guys got your sorry asses kicked, so we had to come." Midnight, who was standing behind Recovery girl glared at us as she explained what happened. She was right though, we were no chance for that guy.

"You guys rest, we'll take care of this." Midnight said while activating her quirk, causing us to fall back asleep.


I wake up to see a white ceiling and heard a constant beeping noise. I look around and find myself laying in a hospital bed with my legs and arms bandaged. I look over to my right to see Shinsou. Even though he was looking down and most of his hair was covering his face. I could still tell he was crying.

I reached out to cup he cheek. "Please done cry...." I whispered weakly. It was almost inaudible.
He looks up with a shocked expression.
"Oh my god, Y/n! Are you Ok?! How are you feeling!?"

"I-i'm fine..." I croaked. Shinsou intertwined his hand with mine as more tears stream down his cheek.

"Y/n, theres s-something, you need to know..." Shinsou whispered. "What is it?" I ask. A wave of fear washed over me. I began to feel a not form in my stomach.

"You..." Shinsou attempted to tell me something, but chocked on his sobs.

"I what?" I whisper.

"You have such a low chance of living..."

He whispered. This caused tears to roll down my cheeks. I was scared.

"Everything will be okay, I promise..." He whispers as he wiped the tears off my face.

Oddly enough, I just didn't want to hear that.

Hi guys! Sorry about the slow updates. I've just been recovering from something that hit me like a fucking truck just a few weeks ago, but I'm fine now.

Thanks for reading my garbage!

I love you to pluto and back!

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