27| Bonus- I love you

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This isn't related to chapters 1-24  either, I just started listening to this song and I wanted to write a omeshot for our beautiful brainwashing boy. I'll get back to the main story and the AU after this, I just needed a refresher since I'm lacking some motivation. This specific oneshot is after UA.
Also, slight nsfw. I'm not great with smut so cut me some slack.

This is a songfic, which is one of my favourite kinds of fanfics, so naturally I write a lot of them.

8 Letters- Why don't you

' you know me the best , you know my worst, see me hurt but you don't judge '

  ' that right there is the scariest feeling
opening and closing up again , i've been hurt so I don't judge '

' and now we're here, staring at the ceiling '

5 Months into your relationship after graduating UA and becoming pro heroes. Kicking ass and loving each other to death, you should be more then happy, right?

Well, about that loving part...

Hitoshi hasn't said I love you yet.

You had tried to say it to him, but it seemed as though he always cut you off before you got to it. To be frank, it made you wonder if he would ever love you the way you loved him, or if he even did love you for that matter.

' I told you these words before , but it was a lie '

' and you deserve to hear them a thousand times '

' if all it is is 8 letters, why is it so hard to say ? '

' if all it is is 8 letters , why am i in my own way ? '

Love is a strong word. You could understand why people wouldn't be ready to say it. Hitoshi always wanted a casual relationship, so of course, he didn't want to move too fast. But its been 5 months. You were ready to move into more serious things, you just didn't know if your boyfriend was. In all honesty, it made you wonder if you were looking for different things.

You were broken from your thoughts as you felt Hitoshi's warm breath brush up against your neck. You tilted your head, allowing him to pepper soft kisses all over it.

However, those gentle kisses quickly turned into hungry, love bites. You quietly moaned at his actions as he laid you down on your shared bed. He climbed on top of you, the only thing illuminating the room was the moonlight shining through the open window. It was silent. Just you, Hitoshi, and the moon.

You looked into his eyes. No love. Only lust.

Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you quickly turned your head away from him, as you didn't want him to see your watery eyes.

"Why are you embarrassed? We've done this before." Hitoshi asked as he chuckled to himself after seeing your state.

You weren't embarrassed. You were on the verge of being heartbroken.

After your 'activity', you didn't sleep at all.

'3:13 am' your phone's clock read. You had been sobbing uncontrollably, but since Hitoshi was a heavy sleeper, he didn't hear a thing.

'I need to get out of here.' You thought to yourself as you got up from bed. You got out of your shared bedroom, your eyes still glossy as you made your way out of the house.

' why do I pull you close, then ask you for space '

You walked down the streets, the cold air of the night piercing your skin as since you didn't grab a jacket.

You found your way to a bench in a nearby park. You were alone. Just you and the moon. The light gazed down on you as you continued to let tears spill from your eyes.

You sat there, sobbing for hours, hoping that the cold air would have you pass out, or maybe have a member from the league of villains kill you right then and there.

But unfortunately for you, you just sat there. Silent as all of your tears had dried since you were too tired to shed another.

You watched as the light of the sun shown onto the grass, only then had you realized how long you'd been there. You were shivering cold, almost out of breath and on the verge of passing out.


I'll split this into two parts. I have some other things I need to work on, but I'll try to get part two out tomorrow.

Also, Happy birthday to my favourite salty copycat

I'm one of the people that actually likes Monoma's crazy ass, even if he can be a little bitch sometimes

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I'm one of the people that actually likes Monoma's crazy ass, even if he can be a little bitch sometimes. I like him because I think he's funny, and he has a really useful quirk. Yes, he talks a lot of shit but I think there's a lot of room for development in him. And At least he doesn't hate 1A for no reason, in all honesty I can see why he does. Just my opinion though.

Anyways, I love you all to pluto and back ❤️

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