50|| bonus au- forever

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i'm gonna be wrecked by the end of this, but i'll save all my thoughts and feelings for the authors note at the end. just to clarify, this is the last chapter of silhouette. i mean, i'll be marking this as complete as soon as it goes up.

this chapter takes place a few years after graduating from UA, the two of you are adults. don't worry nothing nsfw, juts thought i'd put it out there.

To say that you were happy with your life would be a severe understatement.

You till remember rushing into Hitoshi's arms and throwing your graduation caps in the air the moment you and your classmates finally finished with U.A.  All of you were starting a brand new chapter in your life, and the road ahead looked promising to you.

As if your new profession wasn't enough, you had just moved in with Hitoshi.  And while the two of you both knew that you would one day grow old together, you still felt the bliss of being young and in love, figuring everything out together.

As you walked to your car, you pulled out your keys, noticing something that wasn't there before.  You smiled reading it, a blush creeping up on your cheeks as you connected the dots.  At lead you had an explanation as to why your boyfriend had your keys this morning.

[ Drive safe, I need you here with me. ]

After getting in your car, you felt your phone vibrate. You read the notification, and who else would it be from other than Hitoshi. It
was a link to a playlist, full of your favourite love songs. You quickly pressed play, the tune of each song filling your chest with a warm, irreplaceable sensation.

[ I still remember the day all these songs were about you. ]

You finally arrived home, a bit disappointed seeing that your boyfriend wasn't there. But you couldn't be mad at him, He was being so good to you. Even the little things he did made your day. On the counter, you noticed he had left one of his sweaters, neat and folded. It wad a sweater you often stole from him, but you weren't expecting to see it here ready for you. Picking up the soft fabric, you examined it, the cool cotton gliding against your skin, the feeling all too familiar to you. On the inside tag, you noticed something new. Upon reading it, your heart was filled with even more glee. This wasn't just coming out of nowhere, you new he had something planned. You quickly slipped the sweater on.

[ A warm hug made of cloth. When you wear this, i'll be with you. ]

Walking toward the bedroom, you saw yet another something out of the ordinary.  A small gold locket. You picked up the chain, quickly remembering the story behind it. It wasn't just some ordinary locket. You thought back to first grade. and how you were defending Hitoshi from some older bullies. And while the two of you did get hurt, you managed to steal on of their lockets. In an attempt to make your soon-to-be-lover feel better, you gifted him the locket. The fact he had kept it gave you a blessing like feeling. Opening the small heart, a note fell out. Taking a deep breath, the amount off affection almost being overwhelming, you opened the note. Your eyes were struck with tears that threatened to fall at any minute, but you wiped them away. You would probably be crying alongside him anyway, if he was planning what you thought he was planning.

[ Heres this heart. But not any heart, this is my heart. I hope you know that it's yours.]

[ Go to the hilltop we watched the fireworks at. ]

Almost instantly, you rushed out of the house, the memories of your enchanting night at that hilltop resurfacing. You remembered how he dragged you out of the hospital, and how you watched those gleaming bursts of vibrant colours dance in ten sky before you fell asleep, only to wake up underneath a performance of stars. It was your favourite memory with him- unless this one managed to top it.

Running up the hill, the memories only continued to wash over you as you looked up at the lights above. You took a breath, feeling a presence behind you.

"Remember the promise we made?" You finally heard his voice ring in your ear. You blushed one again, grasping the locket and holding it close to your chest. You had almost never felt this appreciated in your life.

"About how we'd come back here one day?" You answered him, yet you still faced away. 

"And how we'd be together forever? So cliche~" He sarcastically got back to you, causing you to stifle a laugh.

"Well, i'd like to make that official. Turn around."

You took in yet another large breath, turning around to face him. While you knew one day you'd see him on one knee, now that it actually happened, you didn't know what to say. The tears finally fell from your eyes, you practically already knew your answer.

"[Y/N] [L/N], will you-"




"You're not gonna let me finish are you?"



"Yes, forever, yes Hitoshi!" You bursted out as he got up. You jumped into his arms, his embrace feeling like nothing you had ever felt before.

[ Forever. What a strong word? A lot of people knew what it meant. But did they know what it meant in terms of love? ]

[ Forever, you were each other's homes. ]

[Forever, you were each other's favourite people.]

[Forever, the two of you would love each other. No matter how many fights, tears, or heartache, you would always find a way back into each others arms. ]

[ Thats the image that stood in your dreams. The silhouette of a couple. A happy couple. One that would be saving lives while devoting their own to each other.]


silhouette                    [hitoshi shinsō x reader] Where stories live. Discover now