41| Bonus AU- If By Chance

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Inspired by me missing you guys ❤️

9 Chapters Left...

Songfic because I haven't written one of these in a while!

If by Chance- Ruth B

I was struggling to choose between If By Chance and Friendly Dark by Ollie MN, of course I settled on one but the other really did inspire me, so the next chapter might end up being a Song Fic as well. I'll probably use it for Scarred because I need to update that.

i can't believe it's been all these years ,
i can't believe i've cried all these tears ,
my friends tell me i should've moved on
a long , long time ago
but what do they know ?
mm , what do they know ?

The moon stared back at you as you stared at it. Stars filled the sky, each one glimmering such a rare kind of beauty. Tonight was silent, but a good kind of silent. Not even the busy streets of Musutafu bothered you as you stood on the bridge, admiring the view. No clouds, no interruptions, just you, the stars and the moon created a heavenly peace you indulged in.

Though you remained quiet, your mind was swirling with thoughts, each one of them seemed to get louder as the minutes ticked by. Lately, you and Hitoshi have been fighting a lot. It began to make you think. A lot.

"What if he's tired of me? What if he's annoyed because of me? What if he wants to break up?" You thought to yourself, quickly wiping away a tear that managed to spill from your eye.

You were preparing yourself for how devastated you would be if he really did leave you.

"[Y/N]?" You heard a voice call out to you. Your head swayed, facing the direction the familiar voice was coming from.

and I don't mean to be selfish ,
but my heart breaks every time ,
that i see you smile ,
cause i know its not me ,
that brings it out of you anymore .

You couldn't find the right words to say as Hitoshi walked up to you. Your eyes quickly refocused on the starry night sky.

"You'll get sick." You heard him speak again as you felt him place his warm jacket around you. It hung loosely of your shoulders as a gentle zephyr flowed through the air.

"Are you alright?" Hitoshi asked.

"I've just been thinking."



"What about us?" Hitoshi asked as he smirked, gently grabbing your chin and facing your head towards him.

"Well, it's just that, you know things have been hard for us lately. It's had me thinking a lot. I love you. I really do. But, if your tired of me, or if I just don't make you happy anymore, I can't really change your mind." You began. Your voice cracked as more tears fell from your eyes. Your eyes were focused on the ground, apart of you hoping to sink into the floor.

"If by chance, you wanted to break up, I'd rather you regret me now then later on." You finished. Hitoshi remained silent.

Your cries eventually turned into a sob as you thought you heard him walk away from you, but to your surprise, you felt a par of warm arms wrap around you. Hitoshi pulled you into his chest as he thought of what to say.

"[Y/N] [L/N], you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know, things have been hard, but, nothing has changed. I still love you more then anything, and honestly, I would still sneak into an abandoned hospital to save you, (Chapter 13-14 lol) I would still spend an entire night watching fireworks with you when you should've been in the hospital, I would still die for you, and, I still love you. So much more then you know." Hitoshi whispered just under his breath, but you heard it.

You pulled away from him. Your hands rested on his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist as they two of you stared into each others eyes. "I love you too." You spoke as you smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back, pouring all his love and affection into it. The night was still silent, the moon continued to watch the two of you, the stars still glimmered, and now you knew that Hitoshi still loved you.

you found somebody new ,
you put me in the past ,
i don't even know , if our memories will last ,
but if by chance it doesn't work out with her ,
you'll always have a chance with me in my world .

I'm sorry I have been so inactive lately. The truth is, along with school. I haven't been great and that's why this chapter was a bit sad. But anyway, I'm glad to have finally updated this.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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