06 | Love

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Kaminari Pov
Saturday morning finally roles around. I was still asleep, planning on just sleeping in for most of the day (Kaminari would) until I heard a sound from my phone. I checked it, and saw I got a text from Sero.
Spiderman: WAKE UP

Braindead Pikachu: No u

Spiderman: I'm already awake.

Braindead Pikachu: Dude just let me sleep in

Spiderman: Did you hear about  [Y/N] and Kirishima?

Braindead Pikachu: Um, no?

Spiderman: They went on a date a few days ago

Braindead Pikachu; Wait Really???

Spiderman: Yeah, Kirishima told me about it

Braindead Pikachu: And Your telling me just now?

Braindead Pikachu:  So are they a thing now?

Spiderman: No, I don't think so

Braindead Pikachu: Good, cause i'm still betting on Shinsou and  [Y/N]

Spiderman: Sorry dude, but I could sense some SERIOUS sparks between Kirishima and  [Y/N]

Braindead Pikachu: I thought you shipped Mina and Kirishima?

Spiderman: Not any more :<

Spiderman: Gtg my phones about to die


What I didn't tell Sero was, I was actually kind of sad when I heard about Kirishima and  [Y/N]. I know it sounds really selfish of me, but it's not because I like  [Y/N] or anything.

It's because I know how Shinsou feels about  [Y/N]. Well, he's always denied it when I confront him about it, but I just know. They he looks at  [Y/N] and they way he is always SLIGHTLY kinder to  [Y/N] then to anyone else, told me something he had to have feelings. I don't know how  [Y/N] feels about this, but one thing I know is that I just don't want Shinsou to be heart broken. I'll probably just keep this to myself though, I don't want people to think I'm holding a grudge against Kirishima. Me and him are friends, and I don't want to ruin that.

Finally, I decided to text Shinsou to see if he knew, and maybe get him to admit his feelings. :>
Kaminari: :))

Shinsou: What do you want?

Kaminari: You heard about Kirishima and Y/n, right?

Shinsou: Yeah, I heard it straight from Kirishima. You don't have to tell me.

Kaminari: Ok, but I just wanted to ask you something you probably won't admit

Shinsou: ?

Kaminari: Do you like Y/n?

Shinsou: If I tell you will you stop bothering me about it?

Kaminari: :>

Shinsou: I've liked Y/n for a couple of years now...

Kaminari: THANK YOU

Shinsou: I'm leaving.


Well, I didn't except that to happen. I know how Shinsou feels, but what about Y/n? Does he/she feel the same way? For all I know, He/she could hat him secretly. I hope its not like that though. I care about Shinsou and his well being. I try to get him to sleep (even though it backfires horribly each time)
And if Y/n doesn't feel the same way, Shinsou not going to be happy about it. I might be bias because I've never really been rejected before, but I can imagine how it feels.

Love can be a bad or good thing people. Maybe its good for Kirishima, but what about for Shinsou?

I hope this is good enough for you guys!

And 112 READS?!?!?!?!? PINCH ME I'M DREAMING!!

Thanks guys! I love you all to pluto and back!!

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