24| Bonus AU- Insomniac

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inspired from a oneshot I wrote sometime ago

I always thought that life wouldn't be so hard ever since I graduated from UA. Being a hero was great, and my relationship with Deku, Todoroki, even Bakugou, almost all of my old classmates were well. But despite all of that, I can't say I'm Happy.

Me and Hitoshi stayed together after graduation, but like every couple, we've been drifting apart. He's been spending more time alone, while I've been with friends. He's seemed so cold to me recently. When I try to talk to him, he's just said 'I want to be alone' or he would just walk off like I was nothing to him. It's starting to make me reconsider the relationship.

I've talked to some of my best friends, Izuku and Todoroki. Their the couple I always go to. They've both told me that it's normal for couples to feel like they're drifting apart, and the best thing I should do is just talk about it. And I want to, its just,

I'm just scared to hear what Hitoshi says.

The fact that me and some other UA graduates were sent off on a mission overseas didn't help. The only time I ever talk to Hitoshi is when I say 'goodnight' and 'I love you'- When he'd actually answer. And when he did answer, it was usually just 'you too' or something vague. It hurt. It made me wonder if he felt any remorse for how I felt.


Message from insomniac
03:01 April 12
Are you awake?

Go to sleep

I wish I could


What did you name me on your contacts list?

Very funny. Now please, try to get some rest.

I miss you. It's stressful.
[Y/N] we need to talk.

Oh, so your the one suggesting that?

What do you mean [Y/N]?

Never mind. What is it?

No, what were you suggesting [Y/N]?

Before I left you've just been so cold to me. I don't know if you've noticed but that hurts. I know that we've been drifting apart but ignoring me isn't helping.

So I'm the bad guy? You haven't been great either.

Don't you dare turn this around on me. I haven't been great either but at least i've tried to talk to you about it!

So What? I'm the villain in this story? Is that what you wanna hear?

You said it. Not me.

It's a real shocker that your actually talking to me. Do you know how much it hurt? How ignoring and ghosting me made me feel? Because if you did you wouldn't be fucking saying anything right now. You might as well just not respond to me, since it seems you've been enjoying that. Goodnight Hitoshi.


[Y/N] please.
I'm sorry.

April 13 9:02 PM

[Y/N]? Please respond. Can we talk about this? I'm sorry. I really am.

April 14 1:13 AM

Please respond. I can't sleep anymore.

I read all of the messages Hitoshi had sent me. I didn't want to talk to him, not without hearing why he had been ignoring me. I had rights to be upset with him.

Today was the final day of my mission until I had to return home. Me and my team would be confronting a mafia boss, his name, Ougai Mori, but I'm not sure if thats really his name.

Before leaving with my team, I made sure to read the messages one last time, thinking in my head what I would say to Hitoshi when I got home.

Hitoshi POV

I laid in bed, not wanting to get up. I was constantly checking my phone, anticipating an answer. I didn't realize how much I was hurting [Y/N]. The guilt was driving me crazy- to the point I couldn't sleep at night, or eat food, or even do anything except get out of bed and stare out the window.

All of a sudden, I heard my phone ring. Thinking it was from [Y/N], I grabbed my phone and without checking, I answered.

"Hello? Hey Hitoshi, this is Denki." I heard one of my best  friends voices on the other end. Realizing he had accompanied [Y/N], I quickly asked him:

"Hey, do you know how [Y/N] is doing?"

"Well, about [Y/N]..." Denki started, causing a massive wave an anxiety to wash over me.

"They were stabbed through the stomach while defending some locals. They didn't make it."

I felt my heart sink to my stomach as I dropped my phone out of my hands. How could I have let this happen?

'This is your fucking fault' I thought to myself. 'They're gone now, and now its too late for you to apologize. I hope your fucking happy.' Tears streamed down my face as the thoughts of remorse rushed through my head...

"Hitoshi?! Please wake up!" I heard [Y/N]'s voice call out to me, causing me to snap back into reality.

"Whats going on?" They asked again, a concerned look spreading on their face.

I didn't say anything, but I just hugged [Y/N] like it was the last i'd ever give to them, thanking whatever god was out there, knowing that it was nothing but a nightmare.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" [Y/N] whispered while slowly stroking my hair.

I hesitated, not wanting them to worry about me only to eventually cave. "I almost lost you..." I whispered while crying silently into the crook of their neck.

[Y/N] stayed silent for a bit, I could sense that they were trying to process what I had said. "Oh Hitoshi, you won't lose me. Ever." They comforted me whilst wiping away my tears.

To finish it off, [Y/N] gave me one of their softest, most tender kisses, which was soon turned to passionate as I grabbed their waist, while their hands found their way to my hair.

Lets just say, that night was very eventful.

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