40| Bonus- Comfort HC

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insomniasbitch happy birthday! I know we're only online friends and we might never meet each other in person, but I hope you know I genuinely really enjoy talking to you and I genuinely care about you❤️ I hope you have the best day today :D

-Hitoshi is very observant, so he'll notice if there's even the SLIGHTEST change in your mood and he'll ask if you're alright

- He can tell if you need space, so if you do he's a very understanding person and will leave you alone for a bit. But if you need him, he'll stay up all night with you

- If your crying, he'll gently wipe away all your tears and kiss your forehead. If you want to, he'll even let you cry on his shoulder/chest for however long you need to

- He loves gently hugging you, it makes him feel like in a way he's protecting you. Admittedly, he doesn't know exactly what to do, but he does know how to give good hugs

-Once you're ready to talk about it, he's willing to listen to whatever you have to say. He's a good listener and he's very patient. If its someone specifically who hurt you, lets just say that person won't be going near you ever again

- The next day he'll buy you flowers and chocolate to cheer you up, and he'll reassure you he loves you no matter what and that he'll always be here for you

Sorry this is short :^(

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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