49|| bonus au- remember when

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this was 100% inspired by 'remember when' by wallows so you guys should go listen to that :>

"Remember how we met?"

[Y/N] broke the silence while Hitoshi ran his fingers through their hair. It was another one of those nights, neither of them could sleep.

So instead, they laid in each others embrace, talking about nothing.

"Hmm, 1st grade."

"Yeah. You were some scrawny kid who sat in the back of the class chewing his nails off."

Hitoshi rolled his lavender eyes while playfully pushing you away. You laughed at his actions, continuing to reminisce about simpler times.

"You took my notebook from me to get my attention, so I used my quirk on you." Hitoshi slurred, the overdue tiredness finally starting to dawn on him.

"I remember that. I said your quirk was cool, and you acted as if I was a ghost or some shit." You teased.

"Yeah, well, I don't get a lot of compliments like that."

"Aww, are you sad?" You said in an almost mockingly sympathetic tone while turning to him. He avoided eye contact with you.

"In middle school it was raining really hard so I gave you my sweater. Which you never gave back."

"You can have it when I die." (iykyk)

"Wait, you still have it?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it used to smell like you." You replied, pulling yourself even closer to him. Though he would continue to deny it, Hitoshi knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. Every touch, every kiss, every word, everything made his heart draw closer to you. He was so, so in love with you it was embarrassing. He loved you so much more beyond what he could express, but as if you could read his mind, you always knew how he felt.

"Weirdo." He retorted, though secretly who sometimes did the same with your clothes.

"Remember that one night I was banging on your window and asked if I could sleep over?" You giggled, looking up at Hitoshi.

"I can't believe I actually let you sleep over." The young hero reminisced with you.

You thought back to that night, you don't remember what you were so upset about, but you remembered sneaking out and going straight to Hitoshi's window, asking if you could stay there for the night. Your voice was quiet yet raspy, your eyes were glossy and your cheeks were decorated with dried tears. He didn't have to be a genius to figure out that you shouldn't have been alone that night.

"I wasn't just going to leave you there though..." He meekly responded, turning to you while brushing the hair out of your face.

"It was the first time we shared a bed." You smiled. "I felt so close to you then- and not just like literally. I mean..." You trailed off, looking for the right words. Hitoshi patiently waited for response while he moved his hand, intertwining it with yours.

"That night I realized I loved you." You warmly smiled. Hid eyes widened, his cheeks blossoming with a million shades of red. He was just surprised. The two of you were so young, yet you already knew that you loved him? Hitoshi began to think back, back to when he first realized it was love he was feeling with you.

But the more he pondered, the more he realized that there was never a moment of clarity, that from the day you met in that classroom, he knew he would spend his life with you.

"Babe? You look like you saw a ghost." You snapped him back into reality. His lilac eyes met with yours, studying the features of the face he loved so much.

"I love you. I always have." He finally admitted to you. He would probably elaborate more, but now, he was tired, and he was ready to fall asleep and wake up to the same face.

"I love you too..." You slurred, closing your eyes. Hitoshi watched you for a minute, before resting his own. Your hands and soul alike remained intertwined with each other as you finally got some rest.

so after this it'll be the last chapter :D *sobs*

i hope this was alright, hopefully by the time i get to chapter fifty i won't be going through such a dry spell.

i love u guys to pluto and back 🖤

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