03 | Bleeding

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Your really just a stain that can't be washed.

I hide my face in a pillow. I just laid there in silence until I heard my phone ring. At first, I thought it was My parents so I got ready to talk to them. To my surprise, it was Kirishima. You and him have had a mutual friendship. I take a deep breath. "Kirishima?"

"Oh, Hey [Y/N]!" He sounds so happy...

"Do you need something?" I responded trying to sound positive.

"Oh, well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

I wanted to say no, but I didn't want to hurt Kirishima. "Oh of course!" I said, ignoring what I had just thought.  "Okay, well i'll come over around this afternoon, that okay?" He said. "Yeah, thats great!" I sounded happy but I wasn't even smiling. I wanted to spend time with my friends, but I don't think they like spending time with me. "Thats fine." I said.
Around ten minutes later, Kirishima arrived. At the time, I was already dressed and waiting for him to come over. "Hey, sorry that took my a bit long!" Kirishima said while smiling widely. "So, theres this new park around here that I wanted to check out, but of course I wasn't going to go alone." I put on a fake smile as we walked out the door.

As I closed the door behind me, I realized I forgot my keys.
"Everything Okay?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah, it's fine." I responded. See how fast a lie can slip out your mouth sometimes? We started walking without saying a word to each other. Did he know I was lying earlier? Anyways, we make it to the park. We started walking around, taking pictures, chatting about nothing in particular. We didn't even realize how late it had gotten until we reached a field of flowers and took a moment to admire it.

 We didn't even realize how late it had gotten until we reached a field of flowers and took a moment to admire it

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The sun was already setting.
"Oh god..." I quietly whispered. The view was breath taking.
Kirishima didn't say anything, but he didn't need to.
"H-hey , what time is it?" Kirishima said while lightly nudging my shoulder. "O-oh um..."
I checked my watch.

"Well, we should start heading back." Kirishima said. I'll admit, I was pretty sad that we had to go. I wish I could take just one more glance at the beautiful sun.

"Heh, yeah." I said, trying to sound as positive as possible.
We started walking back. I didn't even have a proper jacket. As the sun was setting more and more, the more tired we became. We wasted so much of our energy walking around. And before we knew it, we got lost.

We were both exhausted. Yet, we still tried to be positive. I glanced over at Kiri and noticed the look on his face. He looked as if he regretted coming
here. After hours of asking directions and walking aimlessly, we reached a street we both recognized.
A wide smile spread on Kirishima's face while I took a moment to catch my breath. When we reached my house, it was already very dark out. I glance over at Kirishima. I couldn't tell how he was feeling. Before saying goodbye, I told him. "H-hey Kirishima?"
"U-um, yeah?"
He looked up at me with a smile. "It was kind of my fault we got lost. Im sorry about that."
He looked at me with a soft smile and said, "It wasn't your fault. And besides, it was worth spending time with you! Haha..." He giggles and I smile. "Well, good night [Y/N]! "You too."

I watched him walk off and remembered I forgot my keys.

Oh crap.

I had to walk around to the window in my room and pry it open. I climbed inside and fell onto the floor. I was aware of a sharp pain in my arm, but I got up and just assumed I had hit my arm really hard. As I closed the window, my arm started to hurt more. I looked down at it. My eyes widened.

It was open and bleeding.

Sorry that the chapter is  short >_<
Homework=Half of my energy wasted on random knowledge

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