28| Bonus- Another one of those days + A-N

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Lets start with the A-N.

I'm frustrated. I'm stressed out. And I'm really upset that I have to say this here too.

If you find my fanfictions confusing, then leave. It's frustrating to open up wattpad and to see comments like 'this is confusing.'

Usually, I just delete those comments and try to ignore them. But today, I'm just fed up. Because I got a comment that I've already deleted, but I quote, this is what they said. I'm not going to name names, but here was the comment. The comment was left on Stars and I'm going to be honest, It hurt a lot.

Okay honestly, I don't think your skills are enough to write something as complex as this. I kind of liked Silhouette at the beginning but it's gotten so confusing reading Scarred and now this. Your not good enough to be writing stuff like this. Sit back down bitch. And stop trying to keep going because you shouldn't. This is just my advice.

I deleted almost right away but, it hurt a lot that what I wrote was almost similar to what that person said because it hurt so much that I probably won't forget it for a while. And, can I ask ,

What kind of advice is that ?!

You literally told me that one of the things I've loved to do is something I'm not good enough for. I'm not saying its your fault that you don't understand but i'm saying that you don't need to say things like that. What you said was not advice. What you said was hate.

And something I'd like to clarify. I'm open to criticism. There is a difference between criticism and hate. If you genuinely criticize my writing and give me advice, I wouldn't delete your comment. I genuinely appreciate criticism from you guys. But heres the important part, constantly telling someone that they aren't a good writer and telling them that their story is confusing without giving them advice on how they can improve isn't criticism. Its hate.

As i've said I'm already really tired of all of this. But I wanna keep writing for all you kind souls who continuously support me and my writing.

About those people...

I love every single one of you guys, and from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry you guys have to sit through this, I'm going to try to not let it get to me anymore but it can be hard sometimes.

I hope this one will be the last authors note regarding this subject I ever have to write.

I'm not perfect. I never will be. Especially when it comes to writing. But guess what? I like writing om wattpad despite the apps flaws. But what I don't like is just how toxic some of the people on here can be.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter. This is a continuation of Chapter 27, so like that this is a oneshot that isn't related to chapters 1-24.

This is also a songfic, this time with one of my favourite songs 'Another one of those days' by cavetown.

With all that said, I hope you enjoy ❤️

Hitoshi POV

Cycling downtown, thought the fresh air would pick me up, up up and away from the ground

but there's not talking dog up here

I wandered the streets in search of [Y/N]. Every step I took only making me worry about them more.

I woke up to hear sobbing noises and someone slamming the front door of our house. I gently rubbed my eyes and turned to where I thought [Y/N] was going to be laying. up and rubbed my eyes.

"[Y/N]? Whats going on darling?"  I said with a tired voice, however, my eyes widened to see no one there. I got up out of bed and searched the house.  They were no where to be found.

Rather quickly, it hit me that [Y/N] was probably the person who left the house. I quickly threw on a warm jacket and some shoes and ran out our house.

"[Y/N]?!' I began calling out desperately. "Where are you?"

Hoped maybe, i'd see a , familiar face on my way

passed by, some cannabis seeds, it all smells exactly the same

Sunlight shown on me as I realized how long i'd been outside. Eventually, I reached a park with no one in it.

However, in the distance I saw a familiar figure sitting on a bench all alone. No jacket, just sitting their, probably freezing.

I ran over and called out "[Y/N]?"

They turned to me, a surprised look painting over their face. Quickly, they got up and turned to me.

"Hitoshi, I-"

I quickly ran over to them and embraced them in my arms. "Holy shit, your freezing." I whispered as I pulled away from them and grabbed my jacket and placed it around
[Y/N]'s shoulders.

"You had me so worried darling..." I spoke as I cupped their cheek and wiped away a tear that slipped down their eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" [Y/N] spoke, their voice raspy.


"Do you love me?" They spoke, looking down. Even though, I could still see tears slipping down from their eyes.

"What kind of a question is that?!" I responded, taken aback by what they asked me.

"Its been, so long in our relationship and you still haven't s-said it, I don't if you knew how much i've been hurting but-"

I saw, a girl in my dreams,

but I don't remember her name

[A-N sorry if your not a girl, I would've changed it but I wanted to stay true to the song.]

Quickly, I cut off their sentence by roughly kissing them. With one hand I cupped their cheek and the other wrapped around their waist.

I backed away from the kiss and pulled [Y/N] closer to me.

"I love you [Y/N]. I love you more then anything. I love you more then myself." I whispered by holding them close to me.I felt their arms wrap around my neck as their face buried into the crook of my neck.

I guess, it's just another one of those days, when I'm missing everything

Again, I'm sorry for all my authors notes. I love all of you guys who support me and I'm sorry you have to sit through all of my things. I don't want to do this either. And thank you.

I love you all to Pluto and back ❤️

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