08 | Embrace

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It felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off my chest when I said those three words to Shinsou. Over the years, I found myself caring and loving him so damn much. Seeing him crying like this wrenched my heart.

I came over here after some thinking about the nightmares I keep having. Its just so strange to have something so, I don't know, vivid? Its just a dream, I keep telling myself, but why does it feel so real? Like its more then a dream. I want to talk to talk Shinsou about, I know he'll listen to me, its just seeing him like this keeps my mouth sealed.

I gently stroke his hair as he hides his face in the crook of my neck. I hear him mumble a few words before looking up into my eyes and hearing him mutter a gentle "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." I respond with a soft smile on my face.

A dusty pink appears on Shinsou's pale cheeks. I continue to stroke his hair before I start to feel tired. For a few minutes, my eyes struggle to stay open. Shinsou, like the smartass he is, took note of it. He waited a few minutes, until my eyes couldn't resist and soon gently closed. I don't remember a lot that happened, but I know Shinsou sat up to let me lean on his shoulder before eventually falling asleep, too.


I was standing in the same familiar dark place in my dreams, as always. Why couldn't I just have on peaceful night? This time, it was different. I had this feeling in the back of my head. An almost good feeling. I look at my blood drenched hands but refusing to turn around. I already know what will happen if I do. I clench my fists in anger as I hear a faint sob, then a yell, and after a faint whisper in my ear. I couldn't make out what the voice was saying at all, and simply had to just hope it wasn't something bad. It sounded like that though.

Then, for whatever I reason, I turned around to see nothing, but someone who looked like....


Standing there in complete shock. At this point, I was very confused. This isn't what happened in all my other dreams. What the fuck is going on?!?

I let put a wild sob of despair.

"/n! Hey Y/n!!"

I hear a familiar voice call out. I look up to see Shinsou wiping away my tears with a worried look on his face.

"Darling, are you ok??" He asks.

I remain silent. This was my burden. I didn't want Shinsou to have to deal with it with me. I just hate it. I feels nice sometimes, but other times it feels like a knife through my heart.

"Y/n, please tell me whats going on." He asks again.

"Shinsou, please don't."

I look back at hime with desperateness in my eyes. Shinsou pulls me into his warm embrace like I did to him when he needed it. He stroked my h/c strands as he whispered nothing but good things to me.

I just knew, I wasn't ready to tell him.

Just not yet.

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