26| Bonus- If you fell for Kirishima instead

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Since I read all your comments, I noticed that a lot of people had felt bad about choosing Hitoshi over Kirishima (even though if you kept reading you know that that wasn't Kirishima and he was dead all along.)

So, I started thinking about what it would be like if you fell for Kirishima instead. So basically this is a Kirishima x Reader (this isn't related to any of the previous chapters, its kinda just like a oneshot.) with some Shinsou Angst. Also, I was going to call this chapter rain, but that name is already long enough, so just keep in mind that this chapter has a lot to do with rain. I got inspiration since its been raining a lot where I live. Along with that, slight inspiration from himym 👀 S8 x E13

Alright, Enjoy!

Author POV

pitter patter , pitter patter

The sounds of heavy rain was all that Hitoshi could hear. He didn't mind the sound, in fact, he found it quite calming. He scrolled through his phone, only to see pictures of the love of his life, [Y/N].

However, [Y/N] with their new Boyfriend, Kirishima.

The two had recently gotten together, shattering Hitoshi's heart.

He continued to scroll down, seeing [Y/N] looking happy as ever with Kirishima. The lavender haired boy's heart ached more and more as he continued to abuse himself.

Eventually, he turned off his phone and placed it on his bedside table. He rolled over on his bed to face the window and watch the drops of rain slide down the glass.

pitter patter ,  pitter patter

"They're happier with Kirishima. He'll do a better job then I could ever dream of." Hithoshi told himself.  Thoughts of self loathing filled his head as he got up and through on a jacket. He headed outside to take a walk.

The soft rain drops fell to him. Hitoshi didn't bring an umbrella, but he didn't mind.  As i've said, he liked rain for all that it is.

He swiftly walked past the crowds of people, only to be stopped after feeling a hand on his wrist.

"What are you doing without an umbrella?" Hitoshi turned around to see [Y/N], smiling at their best friend, holding the umbrella Kirishima had gifted to them.

"You know I like rain." Hitoshi responded quietly, feeling his heart ache more.

"I know, but you'll get sick." [Y/N] responded, giving a gentle and heartfelt smile to Hitoshi. He didn't respond, but just looked down, ashamed of how he was feeling.

"I feel like it's been forever since we've talked." [Y/N] spoke again, hoping to hear a response. Sadly, Hitoshi continued to look at the ground and ignore his best friend.

"Hey, do you wanna see this movie with me? I heard it's really-" [Y/N] spoke, only to be cut off with:

"Just go with your boyfriend." Hitoshi responded, removing his eyes from the ground and onto [Y/N].

"What?" [Y/N] responded, pushed away by their best friends coldness. "Why?"

"You'll have more fun with him anyways." Hitoshi responded again, causing [Y/N] to grow concerned.

"Hitoshi, you know thats not true." [Y/N] responded sternly, only causing Hitoshi's heart to hurt even more. He was only pushing the love of his life further and further away when all he wanted to do was be with [Y/N].

"Just fuck off." Hitoshi responded coldly while turning and walking away from the situation, leaving [Y/N] hurt.

Hitoshi continued to walk, all the way to a bridge tourists visited a lot. However, due to the rain, no one but Hitoshi was around.

Hitoshi sat down on the bench, looking down. Rain soaked his face, but you didn't have to be a genius to figure out that the water on his face wasn't just from the rain.

"Hitoshi?" Another voice called out to him, he looked up to see Izuku, smiling softly while holding an umbrella above the both of them. Izuku sat down next to his friend.

"Alright, cut the crap. Just admit it." Izuku said out of no where.

"What?" Hitoshi asked, confused.

"Just admit you hate the fact that [Y/N] with Kirishima." He stated again, looking Hitoshi straight in the eye.

"What? No. I'm happy for them!" Hitoshi defended himself, not wanting to admit all the pain he had been going through.

"Why can't you admit it?" Izuku asked, wanting a response, but not getting one.

"Because if I do then I'll just be a terrible person!" Hitoshi bursted out, reaching his breaking point.

"Well what if I told you something worse?" Izuku stated, Causing Hitoshi to look at him with a concerned glare.

The silence killed Hitoshi, worrying him to death. Izuku stared at the ground, an ashamed look on his face. Hiyoshi never expected anything more terrible then his jealousy. Especially from Izuku.

"And what would that be?" Hitoshi responded, worried and afraid of an answer from his friend.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't in UA." He responded, causing Hitoshi's eyes to widen.

"What?" Hitoshi said, shocked.

"I know, this is all I've ever wanted, but sometimes it gets so hard I can't sleep at night." Izuku said, voice cracking looking at Hitoshi, now silently crying, too.

Hitoshi took a deep breath, finding it difficult for words to flow out of his mouth.

"[Y/N] shouldn't be with Kirishima, they should be with me." Hitoshi finally admitted, but instead of feeling more weight pressing down on his shoulders, he felt all the weight being lifted from them.

"Well, we just have to accept it." Izuku responded while staring into his friends lavender orbs and giving him a soft smile. Izuku placed his hands on Hitoshi's back, comforting him.

"I hate to break this to you, but [Y/N] isn't the one. Your soulmate is still waiting out there for you." Izuku said while wiping away his tears.

"Thanks." Hitoshi responded while looking at his green haired friend.

pitter patter , pitter patter



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