14 | Found

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Some swearing!

Kaminari POV

I arrived at the back of the hospital at around ten to see Shinsou and Sero there. I approach them quietly knowing that the pros could already be here.

"You ready?" Sero asks while he turns away from Shinsou and looks at me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I respond. The three of us look around the exterior of the hospital. Kaminari told me that the pros aren't here yet, so we still have plenty of time to look around. We eventually found a small hole in the side of the building that gave us an entrance inside, hidden from anyone who could be there.

"Oh my God this is freaky!!" Sero says with fright in his voice. "Dude shut up!" I say while covering his mouth. All of a sudden, we heard muttering outside from the building. "The pros are here." Shinsou says breaking the silence. I watch and see All might burst through along with Eraser head, Midnight, and some other pros. We all crouched down low to make sure that we wouldn't get caught.

"We should explore the top of the building and work are way down." Present mic suggests. We then saw all the pro heroes approach the stairs of the hospital, leaving the downstairs unexplored. "Ok, I think its safe." I say. We all got up and started looking around for anything thats related to Y/n. Anything.

After what felt like forever, Sero broke the silence: "Guys look!" He yells. "Dude not so loud!" Shinsou scolds him. We both walked over to see what Sero was yelling over.

Sero found a hatch  hidden behind some boxes that not even the pros noticed.

Shinsou Pov

I heard a loud crash  and footsteps approaching us from behind. We all turned around quickly to see a man with silver hair and blue eyes. He wore a menacing smirk. "Who are you?" I ask. "I can be a lot of people." Suddenly, a white light appeared around the man. We closed are eyes and reopened them to see....


"What the fuck?" Kaminari mutters under his breath, Sero and I stay silent in shock. "Oh, I'm not actually your friend here, sorry to get your hopes up." The man says while transforming back to his normal self. "I can shape-shift, thats obvious." He says. "But did you know I can also use the quirks of the people I shape shift into?" He looks up to stare at us. All of a sudden, the bright light appears and disappears. The man shape shifted into Bakugou and looked ready to fight. "Now, you guys are not needed." He says. "Shinsou, go find Y/n!" Kaminari says while looking at me. "Yeah, me and Kaminari can hold him off long enough." Sero adds. I don't say anything, but just nod and head towards the hatch. The hatch lead to a ladder. I slowly climbed down and heard explosions from above.

God, please be Ok.

I climb down even further to hear crying, no, sobbing noises. One I reached the end of the ladder I checked my surroundings. It was dark, I could barley even see anything. In front of me. I see a chained figure, who looked so familiar.

I rushed over to see Y/n, dirty and all chained up. She/he looks up at me with shock. I ran over to he and knelt down to caress his/her cheek.

He/she was freezing. "Shinsou, Oh my god, wait, is that really you?!" Y/n exclaims. I didn't say anything. I just took her/his broken figure into my arms.

"I'm so sorry it took so long to find you.." I whisper.
"Hey, it's ok, you found me." She responds with a gentle voice, a bit too gentle for the situation. I scan her body. My eyes widened at the amount of wounds on her body. "Your wounds.." I mumble while looking at the gashes on her arms. "It's ok, they'll heal." Y/n responds. I pull out a knife i brought with me and pick the lock on the chains. Once Y/n's hands were free she gently hugged me back. I noticed how she repeatedly winced in pained as she tried to get up. "Are you ok?" I ask concerned. "I'm fine Shinsou." Y/n responds. And after just af few seconds, she collapsed. Luckily, I was able to catch her, just in time.

"I found you Y/n." I mutter just as a few tears trickle down my face.

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