32| Bonus AU- Meteor Shower

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So, before you read, here is something about me and something I've wanted to share for a while. I wanted to wait for pride month to arrive for this, so here it is now. Some of you may already know this, but, I'm Bisexual. I know I mostly write about guys, but that doesn't mean i'm straight lol. For a while I've been pretty comfortable with my Sexuality, so theres that. Growing up I was always felt out of place. Around the times when my group of female friends started talking about crushes and all the boys they like (NO HATE TO THAT) I always felt different to that. I tried really hard to convince myself that there were some guys I really liked, but at the end of the day, Those guys were friends and nothing more. Then I met this girl. Im my eyes she was, I don't even know how to describe, just perfect. I absolutely adored her, like, more then a straight girl should. Every time I'm around her I feel really happy. That's kind of when I started thinking 'hey, maybe you're not straight.' It wasn't like a 'snap' moment, took a few long nights of staring at my ceiling to figure myself out but, in the end, its just apart of me. And I'm proud of it.

About that girl, she's straight, and there's nothing I can do about it, but, as long as she's happy, I can teach myself to move on.

I had her in mind while writing this ❤️

Also, inspired by one of my favourite songs.

Meteor Shower- Cavetown

You leaned up against Hitoshi's warm body while the both of you watched the stars. The chilly air didn't bother you as their warmth radiating off of your boyfriend kept you warm.

I've got miles of regrets and confusing friends,

but perhaps it's just my stupid in the end thinking,

Should I wait here? Or make my way home?

You said go.

The stars twinkled in the dark night sky, following with the bright moon that was watching you and Hitoshi. It was nice, just you, Hitoshi and the moon.  You always wished you were apart of the night sky, one of those stars, a beautiful ball of light for people to admire. It never felt like you were going to be that, though.

"Are you still thinking about it?" Hitoshi asked, your gaze still fixated on the night sky illuminated by those gorgeous, twinkling stars. Hitoshi smiled, seeing the night sky reflect in your [E/C] eyes.

"Sorry." You whispered. Hitoshi frowned, but thanked the darkness for hiding his blush. How could you be such a blessing to him?

Making up problems that don't exist,

Why do I let myself dream like this,

I'm floating away,

My body's in space,

we are going home.

"Don't apologize, darling." He whispered. He wasn't sure of what to say. How could he tell you how much he really loves you? He can't. Words cannot describe how much he loves you. His head ached trying to think of a way to show you.

"You look gorgeous tonight." He cooed, making you blush. He couldn't deny it, the moonlight highlighting all of your extraordinary features made Hitoshi realize how thankful he is to have someone like you in his life.

"You think so?" You asked.

"I'm more then sure. No one can ever compare to you." He responded. You smiled softly, and wiped away a tear dribbling down your cheek, hoping Hitoshi didn't notice.

"I love you, for more then just your beauty, every where from the tip of your cute little nose to the depths of your soul, [Y/N]." He started, trying to regain himself.

"Sometimes, I can't believe your real."

Missing, pieces, of, my skull,

I'll sow on patches of my, own, soul,

there is nothing you or I can do, so Let the stars fall

You finally took your gaze off the starry night sky and looked into his lilac eyes. His soft yet calloused hands cupped your cheeks as yours made their way to his lavender hair. You leaned in, feeling his warm lips up against your own. You heard Hitoshi hum while feeling his tongue rub against your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to enter and explore your mouth before your lungs betrayed you, causing the both of you to pull away and gasp for air. Your foreheads and noses touched, your faces only being separated by not even a centimetre. You felt each others warm breaths brush up against each others faces. You looked back up at the night sky.

"I love you. So much." Hitoshi whispered, you leaned on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your back to keep you warm. "I love you too." You whispered back.

Cause from up here, the skies my thoughts,

and we're all so, so small.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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