04 | Cut

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-Strong Language

I stared widely at the open wound.
"What the fuck?!"
I glanced over at the spot I had fell on. My arm fell on a knife I wasn't even aware of. The knife was covered in my blood. I picked up the knife and threw it into the trash can. I ran towards a cabinet in my house and grabbed some bandage. I did a really bad job putting it on, but I didn't care. I laid down on my bed and took one last look at the cut before closing my eyes and attempting to fall asleep.

Shinsou POV
Wondering where [Y/N] was, I called Kirishima and asked if he knew where he/she was.
He told me that they spent the day together.
Just to be sure he wasn't lying, I went to go check on [Y/N]again. The door was left open, again. When I got in, I made sure to lock it. It was late, so I had to make sure I wasn't too loud. As I walked towards her room, I noticed a trail of blood.
I opened [Y/N]'s door gently, to make sure I wouldn't wake her. I glanced over at her trash can, and noticed a bloody knife. "What the hell??" I whispered, but at the same time yelled. I looked over at [Y/N], who was already asleep. I sat down on her bed and noticed her right arm, loosely bandaged. "You idiot, can't even put it on right."
I took her arm and unraveled the bandage. I stared at the large cut. "How the fuck did you manage this?" I grabbed some more bandage and put it on her wounded arm. I stared at his/her face. It was so, prett-
Is this what everyone calls lov-

WAIT NO NO NO NO STOP HITOSHI STOP. STOP. Besides, Y/n probably is in love with someone else.

It hurts to think about though.

I stared at  [Y/N] beautiful face one last time before getting up and leaving. I made sure to lock the door.
I started walking home. I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that  [Y/N] is love with someone else. I could feel my chest hurt.

Sorry about the short chapter again -__-
Only 392 words?
The fuck is this? XD

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