01 | Beggining

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Okay dear reader, listen up!
This is my first ever story on Wattpad, so if you think its bad I don't blame ya.

07/27/2020 Revised Version*

"Hey [Y/N]...

I slowly opened my eyes after hearing a familiar voice call out to me. There I see, Shinsou, already dressed. waiting for me to get up, leaned up against me door.

We're going to be late again." I've gotten used to Shinsou saying that. "What day is it?" I asked. "Thursday. You should keep track of the days, you know." Shinsou sounded as if he wanted to leave without me. "Alright, I'm coming!" I kind of yelled at him but at the same time not.

Is he okay? He seemed kind of upset.

"Hey i'm ready." I said with a tired tone. "How much sleep did you get last night?" I could tell he was just concerned. I didn't answer. I didn't want to worry him. "Alright, lets go!" I said, trying to sound cheerful.

We walked down the street that we grew up on. I remember memories of me and Shinsou playing around here without a care in the world. As soon as we reached UA, Shinsou was greeted by another one of his friends, Kaminari. Before I knew it, A girl with short brown hair came running up to me. "Hey, [Y/N] !"was Uraraka Ochako. I met her on your first day. From then on, we've had a good friendship. Ochako greeted me good morning and asked how I was doing. "Great, just tired, I responded lazily." "Seriously, you should get more rest..." Ochako said. Though, she didn't sound as concerned as Shinsou.

~Beginning of class~

I sat beside Shinsou, who was sitting by the window. I gathered up a little bit of courage to ask him if he was okay. "Hey, are you doing alright?" I asked him. I tried to sound comforting, but he wasn't buying it. "Why do you care so much?" He responded with a deep tone, as if there was something he didn't want to tell me. "I don't know, you just seem so, I don't know, sad?" I tried to sound casual. "Well, its nothing, but thank you for caring." He said. "No problem!" I didn't want to seem clingy, so for the rest of the class I just stayed quiet and minded my own business.

I hope he's not lying to me...

Soon class ended, and I made my way down to the lunch room. There, Ochako waved me a friendly hello and asked me to sit with her. I sat down next to her, thinking more then talking.

Ochako is such a great friend...
I don't deserve to hang out with such a sweet girl.

"Hey, [Y/N]?" Ochako tilted her head in confusion
"A-ah yeah?" I answered. She caught me off guard.
"Oh, um sorry to bother you." "You just seemed a little out of it" Uraraka said while stuffing her face with food.
"Sorry, I was just thinking about some things..." I said.

Before I knew it, The day ended. As soon As I stepped outside of the school I saw Shinsou, waiting there. "Come on, lets go" He says in a stern voice. I followed him. We walked beside each other, not saying a single word.

                     ~your house~
I wave Shinsou I gentle good bye as I step into my house. He waves back just as I closed the door. I took my shoes off and ran to my room. My older brother, Haruka, asleep on the couch. I quickly run upstairs to my bedroom. I laid on my bed and rested my eyes for a bit. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Where the hell am I?
I looked around to see shadows and hear echoes.
I don't recognize anything.
My eyes wandered for what seemed like forever, before I finally noticed something.
I see a pool of blood right in front of me.
I clench my fists to realize there was something in my hand. I look down at my hand, realizing In my hand was a blood stained knife. My eyes widened as I drop the knife. I fell to my knees in front of the pool of blood. At this point I couldn't distinguish  dream or reality.  All of a sudden, I hear a voice whisper in my ear, "how could you do that to someone?"

I woke up, sweating and shaking furiously. I checked my phone. "11:03" I muttered. I was surprised I had slept that long. I got up started thinking to myself.

I tried my hardest to clear my mind of the weird dream. It was just so, real. It didn't even feel like a dream somehow, almost like it was a memory. I got out of bed and put my shoes on. I was just going a take a long walk to get my mind off of those thoughts. I didn't even I have a proper jacket on. I was cold. But that didn't matter, right?
I had gotten so lost in my thoughts I didn't even pay attention to wear I was going. I finally realized how lost I had gotten when I stopped near a park which led to a forest. I was already so lost that I just decided to keep going. I checked my watch. 1:47. "How long have I been out here?" I think to myself. I haven't been in this forest alone. The last time I was here was with Shinsou when we were still kids. I don't know If I remember my way back.
I don't know if that really matters. I just told myself I would get out here, but I didn't know if that was a lie or not.

Your so pathetic sometimes, you know that [Y/N]?

You were just so stupid you couldn't even pay attention to where you were going?

I wish Shinsou were here...

Before I knew it, I just started running. Tears threatening my eyes.

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