38| Bonus AU- Caught + Hiatus note

310 17 10

Just some fluff with Eri in it ❤️

Admittedly, you thought fighting Izuku wouldn't be hard. And well, you couldn't have been more wrong.

Thats how you ended up in Recovery girls office, along with a broken wrist and dark purple bruises littered all over your body. You sat up on the bed, staring out the window while questioning your life choices.

Your head turned and your attention focused on Hitoshi and Izuku as they walked into the room, approaching you.

"S-sorry [Y/N]! I didn't mean to hurt you that badly." Izuku stuttered while an embarrassed blush spread on his face. Hitoshi sent him a death glare, only scaring the poor green haired boy even more.

"It's alright." You breathed out while Hitoshi pulled up a chair and sat next to you. You blushed as he took your hand, holding it gently in his. You watched as Izuku waltzed out of the room, giving you and your boyfriend some privacy.

"How are you feeling?" Hitoshi asked as he planted a kiss on your forehead.

"I'm fine, the bruises still hurt, but I'll walk it off." You chided. "But shouldn't you be in class right now? Aizawa-sensei won't be happy with you."

Hitoshi rolled his eyes at your response. You giggled while leaning in for a kiss. You felt Hitoshi's warm lips against yours as your hands wandered up and down his arms before you planted them firmly on his shoulders. His arms wrapped around your waist, further deepening the kiss. You felt his tongue rub up against your bottom lip, asking for permission. You were just about to open your mouth before,

"Wah!" You heard a light and feminine voice exclaim. Both of you pulled away to see Eri who just walked into the room. [COCK BLOCK 100] Both you and your boyfriend blushed even harder as Aizawa walked into the room beside her. His face contorted into a shocked and confused expression.

"What are you guys doing?"

"H-Having a staring contest?"

"They were kissing."


protect Eri at all costs (-)

edit: i forgot to put the hiatus note in because i'm a dumbass so hERE IT IS

I've been wanting to take a break for a while, but when I do I tend to feel guilty. But after taking some time and practicing my self love routine, I think I'm gonna take a break. Ever since Quarentine hit I've been working my ass off on these fics, I love writing them, but to be blunt, I'm also tired as hell. I'll still be active on wattpad, so feel free to message me if you wanna chat, but I won't be updating these books until probably around early or mid august. So, I'll see you guys then!

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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