25| Bonus- NSFW Alphabet + my face

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Alright, two things: I know I said I wouldn't be updating these for a while, but I wanted to write an NSFW alphabet so sue me. And, I don't write a lot of NSFW, so this might be a little rusty.

Also, I've done a face reveal before, but i'd like to do one again. However, like my first one, after a little but I'll remove it. I'm kind of insecure about my looks. I have a baby face, and i'm constantly reminded of it, even though I promise you i'm way older then I appear lmao. Also, I'm in quarantine so I probably look like shi-

A- Aftercare: Hitoshi Wants to make sure you are comfortable after sex, so he'll make sure he gets you what you need. Water? Clothes? A cat? AnNoThEr rOunD? You name it, he'll get it for you.

B- Body Part: He likes your back, your neck, your collarbone, anyone he can leave love bites and hickeys. It's also his favourite spot to nuzzle his head into owo. As for his own, Hitoshi likes his arms. Calloused, yet smooth and soft.

C- Cum: Thighs, face, stomach, anywhere. If your a girl, maybe your breasts too.

D- Dirty Secret: He wants to use his quirk on you, but is afraid of being rejected. But yo I would definitely let him-

E- Experiences: I'd imagine your each others first times, so he'd probably learn from Kaminari or just his own resources, hell maybe he learned something Aizawa, but you didn't hear it from me.

F- Favourite position: Anything where he's top. Thats all I'll say.

G- Goofy: If you think he would crack a joke during this, you've cut yourself bloody. He's serious throughout the whole thing.

H- Hair: Keeps it trimmed down there, and it's the same colour as the hair on his head, just slightly darker, or, deeper if you will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I- Intimacy: Hitoshi will always make sure that its both of you that are enjoying the experience, not just him. He wants to make sure you that you are enjoying as much as he is, so not in a million years would he do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

J-Jack off: He's a teenage boy. I'd imagine 1-3 times a week, but who knows really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

K- Kink: Can we all just agree that Hitoshi has a daddy kink?

L-Location: Anyway comfortable, like yours or his bed, but, I mean, if y'all are really horny, you could be doing it in the forest for all I know (based on a comment that made me laugh)

M- Motivation: Again, He does it so both of you can enjoy it. He'd never do something just for him, he's nice like that :))

N- No: He will not do anything to hurt you, like pull your hair or not wait for you to adjust. The thought of hurting you is a complete turn off for him.

O- Oral: Probably prefers receiving, but is just as skilled in giving. Either way, you both end up enjoying it.

P-pace: Usually likes to be slow and gentle with you, but on the off time he can be pretty rough- just as long as your fine with that, though.

Q- Quickie: He isn't against it completely, but probably prefers not to. However, if you two have one, its rare.

(I'm skipping R because R is usually risk, (so like getting you pregnant) but that only really applies if the reader is a girl. I want this to be gender neutral so I won't write it in.)

S- Stamina: Can go for 2 rounds at most, but if you wanna go for a third one, he'll probably ask you to ride him. After that I think you'll both be pretty tired.

U- Unfair: This. Man. Loves. To . Tease. He'll leave hickeys and love bites on you neck and stroke your legs and inner thigh until you beg him to stop.

W- Wild card: Hitoshi also enjoys when your too every once in a while. He finds it attractive when you take the lead.

X- X ray: Um, I don't really know what to write for this.

Y- Yearning: I mean, being a teenager, he can't really have control over his hormones. So I'd imagine his sex drive could be anyway really, if that makes sense.

Z- Zzz: Due to his insomnia, you probably fall asleep before him. He likes to whisper sweet nothings into your ear as your falling asleep.

Alright, now heres my face. After a while i'll delete the photo, so, here it is now.

*deleted now*

I edited this one for fun, and I hate how it turned out (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Heres another :

*deleted now*

Sorry I know my hair can be a rats nest sometimes ಠ_ಠ

These are all just random selfies I found of myself so ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Edit: April 26, 2020.
If you didn't already notice, I changed the covers for a *majority* of my fanfics. What do you guys think? I was having a bit of insomnia so I made them last night.

Edit: May 5, 2020
I already removed the photos, but I'll probably do another one of these in the future, just for fun. Also you guys are sweethearts ❤️

Anyways, thanks for reading as always. I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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