31| Bonus AU- One hundred million thousand stars

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Don't question the title, thanks.

Also, I'm might just continue putting this out here.

If you can sign this petition, please do. We need to fight for what's right ❤️



There's One hundred million thousand stars in the sky, and even more people. Yet Hitoshi chose you. It made you wonder sometimes.

You starred up at the breathtaking view. Ultramarine  blue was painted across the ginormous night sky, adorned with twinkling white stars splattered across the view. The bright and beautiful moon stared back down at the couple. It was just you, Hitoshi, and the magnificent moon.

You laid next to your boyfriend, leaning your head against his shoulder while both your views were fixated on the twinkling stars that stared back down onto earth.

"Is everything alright?" You heard your boyfriend ask.

"I've been thinking." You whispered, not taking your eyes off the stars. "Why did you choose me?"

Hitoshi stayed silent, causing you to immediately regret saying anything.

"Well, you're gorgeous, smart, and the strongest person I know. You could kick my ass if you wanted too." Hitoshi joked, causing you too giggle slightly.

"But there's so many other people out there, smarter, prettier, stronger then me..." You trailed off, beginning to let your mind cloud with thoughts again.

"No one compares to you [Y/N]." Hitoshi spoke, causing you to blush. You thanked the darkness for hiding your dusty pink cheeks.

Hitoshi leaned in, bringing the both of you into a passionate kiss. One hand was tangled in your [H/C] hair, while the other was around your waist. You hands were wrapped around his neck, only bringing him closer to you. The stars and the moon watched as the kisses and kissed, just until they pulled away to catch a breath.

"You shine brighter then any other star"

There will be a part two do this. I just wanted to split it into parts. But don't worry, after this i'll start working on it lol.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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