Bonus- My thoughts

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(Ignore the above picture)

Ok, so this got kind of popular, but I wanted to write and publish a few of my thoughts, the ones that I've had since writing the first chapter.

I started writing Silhouette for a simple reason:

I've always loved reading fanficition. It's what made me happy. I've had conversations with my peers about my love for it, but a lot of them had showed concern, thinking it made me antisocial, or something along those lines.

That wasn't true. In fact, I was able to connect with a lot of people with the same interest.

Reading fanfic made me happy, and I Knew some others felt the same.

So, I wanted to write my own.


Because reading fanfics made me happy, and if I made even just one person feel happy reading my own work, then i'd be VERY happy.

I'll admit, MHA is not one of my favourite anime, but I still like it and choose to write about it.

and then....

THIS MESS WAS BIRTHED (i'm sorry I had to)

When I first started writing the first few chapters,
I was still very much a wannabe and I didn't really know what I was doing.

But while writing it, I just thought 'wow! I'm proud of myself!'

But looking back at it now and re-reading some of it, it's not my best work. I could've done a lot better then I did.

I took my first break because of personal things  that took up all the time I had to write, but it was also because I needed to think about some things. I wanted to do better. And I know I could do so.

And, I still don't really think I did.

When I'm writing, I set expectations for myself so that I push myself hard. But even with all of the revisions I still don't think I met the expectations I set for myself.

So, am I proud of this? Yes, partially, but I know I could do so much better.

I had a lot of this in mind while writing Scarred, and if i'm honest, I think it's a step up, but i'm trying to push myself harder then ever to make up for what I didn't like about Silhouette.

I could write a novel about my thoughts on it, but I tried to make this as short as possible.

I love you all to pluto and back!


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