13 | Fault

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It was my fault. Kirishima is dead. Because of me. I could've done something. He didn't do anything wrong! My eyes wallow up with tears at the thought of it. Poor Kirishima, he was so bruised up, I swear, I don't want to know what he did to him.

My wrists burn, my head aches, I feel like vomiting, everything feels like hell. I refuse to eat the food he left me, I just can't bring myself to. What if he did something to it? What if it's poisoned?

What about the others? They're probably worried. I don't deserve to be cared about. Somebody died because of me. They shouldn't put the effort of looking for me. Its just not worth it.

Shinsou is probably worried sick. He shouldn't be.

I heard footsteps approaching me again. I look up to see the same asshole that started all of this.
He knelt down.
"How is my precious doll doing?" He asks with a smirk.
I didn't reply. Just gave him a deathly stare.

"Well, I'll just tell you." He stares at me with a sadistic smile. "Or maybe, I'll show you." He says. "Wait here for a minute, and then we can have some fun." He says sadistically.

Shinsou Pov

Aizawa sensei finally arrives. He looks more alive then usual. "Alright class, settle down." He says. Everyone takes a seat, but that doesn't seem to calm everyone down. "I know what your all thinking, but the situation is under control." He says. I'm starting to get irritated. "You can't just tell us that when its not true!" I say with a hint of annoyance. I cover my mouth. I didn't mean to say that. "Shinsou, I know Y/n is important to you, but you need to trust us." I silently nod. What else could I say.

Time skip

-End of the day-

I begin walking home. I don't even bother waiting for Y/n. You already know why.

I don't got strait home though. I went someplace special. I went to the forest me and Y/n would play in as children.

I stop at a nearby river and just admire the view. I sat down and cried silently. I was so worried about Y/n. What if shes hurt. What would happen? I want to be there to protect her from the worst. I wiped the tears from my face when I heard a voice behind me.

"Shinsou!" I turn around to see Kaminari, Sero and even Bakugou. "Dude, we need to talk." He says. They all sat down beside me. Kaminari places his hand on my back. "Are you alright?" He asks. I nod. "Bakugou found something weird, and we think it has to do with Y/n disappearance." He says. I look up at him with a confused face. He shows me what Bakugou found. It was Y/n's Bracelet. The one I gave her when we first met. "Where did you find this?" I ask Bakugou. "At that abandoned hospital near here. Y'know the creepy one no one goes to. Bakugou was in there just looking around and found it laying there." Sero answers.

"We should go there! The four of us." Kaminari suggests. "More like the three of you." Bakugou says while walking away. No one seems surprised by his action. "Kami, I already told you, that hospital is already being investigated tonight by the pro heroes. We could get in serious trouble." Sero adds.
"We could go follow them." Kaminari says. "Y'know, I don't hate that Idea." I say. Kaminari and Sero look at me. "So Sero, you in?" Kaminari asks. "I guess." He says.

-Shinsou house-

We agreed to meet at the forest at 10:00, a little before the pro heroes go to investigate. I lay on my bed exhausted. The thoughts of Y/n being in danger cloud my mind. I just hope they're okay so badly.

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