end + thank you

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so, silhouette is finished.

i have so many feelings attached to this story. it may not be my best work, but writing this story has helped me improve in my writing skills and connect with others of the same interest. i have quite the collection of books on my page but silhouette is by far one of my favourites. it was my first, and i can't help but feel a bit proud for how far i've come.

though i don't like mha much anymore, shinso is one of my favourite characters. i really enjoyed writing about him and seeing his development in the show. i like him as a character and i think he has a lot of potential to be a great hero.

thank you to everyone who voted, commented, or even just bothered to read this. it means a lot to me that you guys can be so supportive of me and my work. i'm sorry if i had upset any of you with the ending or any of the sadder chapters. i tried to be a bit more lighthearted with this story as i didn't want to trigger anyone with deeper content, but i can't help but feel a bit bad when someone comments that this story had made them cry. even if they were exaggerating, i received a lot of those. regardless of how this made you feel, silhouette means a lot to me, and i can't thank you all enough for reading it.

i really did plan of ending this way sooner than i did now. i have a problem with not finishing things that i've started, so i'm happy i was able to complete this. i almost don't want to because i love shinsou and i love silhouette, but every good thing must come to an end.

as much as i love this story and i love all of you, i'm not going to deny how stressed this book made me feel at times. it was an outlet for my creative writing skills but also something that caused me to feel burned out from writing. i would have so much writers block it almost physically hurt, and i would force myself to continue, which only tired me out more.

suffice to say,  i'm very tired. and i need a long break to clear my mind. school is going to be starting for me soon, and i want to focus on that as much as possible. i'll still post stuff on my message board, but i'll start writing again in january 2022. see you guys then!

my heart goes out to you guys. i love you all, and since i don't think i've said it enough, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over.

as always,

i love you guys to pluto and back.

silhouette                    [hitoshi shinsō x reader] Where stories live. Discover now