To anyone who needs this

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I know this book is nothing but authors notes, but hear me out.

I just want this to reach someone because, well, I'll explain at the end.

You are good enough. I know it may not feel like that but you are. I know its hard to keep your head above the water but I just need you to pull through because you are strong and I know you can do it.

There is no shame in getting help. It doesn't make you weak. There is no shame in venting to a friend or calling a resource. Please, if you need to, lean on someone. Its healthy to talk about your feelings with someone then bottling them up.

You are strong. You are good enough. You are worth it. And you will make it through. Its okay to feel down, its okay to not be 100%, its okay to cry, healing takes time. You are not as alone as you feel, because I can guarantee there are people who love you and will let you lean on them for support. You are not and never will be alone. Just breath. Like now. Literally. Have you taken a breath? Now release it. Just keep doing it.

You may be wondering why i'm doing this so abruptly, but, a few minutes ago, I got a text from someone here on wattpad. I'm not going to name names but it was from an account that has read some of my fics. The message went like this:

Hey, I know we're strangers, but I'm on my sisters wattpad account to tell you this. She was a huge fan of your stories and said multiple times that they made her happy, along with My Hero Academia in general, but thats not the point. I'm not going to go into specifics but, she gained some mental health problems. Not a lot of people were really able to make her happy a lot. To say the least she was suffering.

Those times I tried to be there for her, she would mention how your fanfics were something that made her happy, even if she was going through some difficult times.

Even though, her problems only became worse and worse. Therapy was helping but she began shutting us out completely. She would always spend a majority of her time in her room. I don't know what she was doing, but I can only imagine that one of the things she was doing was reading your stories.

I'm sad to say that a few weeks ago she committed suicide. I'm still heartbroken, and of course suicide is not the answer. And I know we're strangers but, I just want to thank you. Your fics were, according to her, something that made her happy, even if it ended on a grim note. Whatever it was I wish she talked to us more, but there's nothing we can do now. I don't know if you'll see this but if you do God Bless you and thank you for making my sister even the tiniest bit happy.

Of course I asked for permission to share this, but also because I want you guys to know that there is always people out there that are here to help you. Suicide is not the answer and it never will be. I know I said that if you fear you may be triggered by the mentions of suicide you probably shouldn't read, but this I want this message to get out to everyone. Weather your happy in the moment or not.

If your looking for someone to just vent to, I mean, I'm here. But also do consider talking to a professional or finding a healthy way to cope.

You guys are strong, and I love you all to pluto and back ❤️

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