05 | Peaceful

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[Y/N] pov
I wake up, feeling tired and dizzy. I check my phone, and the time its only midnight. I've always had trouble sleeping, so this isn't really new to me. I messaged Shinsou to see if he was awake, which he usually was at this time. I pick up my phone and notice the bandage on my wrist was mow tighter and cleaner. Not the way I remember putting it, sloppy and uneven.

12:09 am

[Y/N]: You awake?

Shinsou: Yeah

[Y/N]: Why?

Shinsou: Can't sleep

[Y/N]: Same here

Shinsou: Hey  [Y/N]?

[Y/N]: Yes?

Shinsou: Why was your arm bleeding?

[Y/N]: Wait, how do you know about that??

Shinsou: I checked on you.

[Y/N]: Long story, I don't wanna talk about

Shinsou: Also, I was the one that bandaged your arm properly

[Y/N]: Without me knowing?

Shinsou: You were asleep.

[Y/N]: Still

Shinsou: You looked peaceful

-Unsent message-

[Y/N]: Wow... thanks I guess

Shinsou: You should go back to sleep

[Y/N]: I just told you

[Y/N]: I can't sleep

-Unsent message-

[Y/N]: And besides, your not asleep either

Shinsou: Just try

-Unsent message-

•Shinsou is offline•

I turn off my phone, and screw my eyes shut. I fell asleep rather quickly peacefully.

My eyes flutter open. I see myself in a dark, black place with nothing to fill it with, other then me. I stood up only to feel a stinging pain on my palms. My eyes widened at the sight. My hands were drenched in blood, But it wasn't just my own blood. I look around and notice a knife, covered in blood, in front of me. I pick up the knife and examine it.
I hear a faint whisper in my ear.
"Why Y/n"
I turn around to see nothing. I glance back at the knife, and then in front of me. I saw, people that looked like, my parents, my siblings and,


There body's laid on the ground, blood soaked. They weren't moving at all, and I could feel tears stream down my cheeks.
"No" I manage to mutter under my breath in all that fear. I hear the faint whisper again.

"Why did you do this?"

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