34| Bonus- Nightmares

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vent ❤️

Songfic: Nightmares- All time low

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I heard [Y/N]'s voice in my ears. I felt my eyes flutter open, seeing them on top of me. I smiled, caressing their cheek with my hand. The sun shined in through the window, highlighting all of [Y/N]'s features perfectly.

' theres a little house on a perfect little hill '

' just short of a fairytale '

' theres a little child with a million ways to feel '

' caught up in a hurricane '

I felt my eyes tremble while a tear ran down my cheek. Slowly, I felt my eyes open, but in real life now. There wasn't any sun, there wasn't any happiness, and, [Y/N] wasn't there. Just another dream. Another dream the young boy could only wish had lasted longer. He sat up, feeling his eyes begin to tear up. His vision was blurry as memories of [Y/N] clouded his head.

He felt haunted. Haunted by [Y/N].

' now theres a ghost in the back of this room , and i, don't like it '

' i fall asleep with my covers pulled up, and try, to fight it '

Everyday seemed to get easier for him, but, he couldn't shake the feeling of being haunted. He wasn't scared that any ghost was going to 'get' him, but rather, was grieving over [Y/N]'s ghost that he felt was haunting him.

He looked out at his window. He watched the starry night sky, but more specifically, the moon. Maybe you were up there with the stars. Maybe one day he'd join you.

' i gotta say, its hard to be brave, when your alone, in the dark '

' i told myself that i wouldn't be scarred, but i , still have nightmares '

You may have seen this on my message board, but, in my area because of a massive thunderstorm (with hail I believe) there were a few floods. In my neighbourhood, me included, had to deal with it. Since the window in my room is close to the ground, A LOT water began leaking in and eventually, well, my room flooded. I tried to salvage as much as I could but some things I couldn't save. However, I'm really thankful no one, me or my family got hurt, because I saw on the news that there were areas that were much more affected. Someone in my neighbourhood even had to call an ambulance because someone got hurt. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, but at lease most of me is still standing. Please, stay safe out there guys. My heart goes out to anyone else who was affected by it.

I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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