07 | Confession

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Shinsou POV

After I ate breakfast and got dressed, I asked Kirishima if he wanted to hang out today. I wanted to talk to him about somethings that have been on my mind after Kaminari asked me about my feelings for  [Y/N]. I told him that I really like  [Y/N], but only because he wouldn't stop bothering me. Now I just have to hope he keeps his mouth shut.

So, back to Kirishima. I called him and asked him if he wanted to hang out today. It went like this.

S: "Hey Kirishima?"

K: "Oh, Hey Sleepy boy! Whats up?"

S: "Don't call me that."

K: "Eh, sorry. Anyways, why you callin'?"

S: "I wondered if you wanted to hang out today?"

K: "Oh, actually I was going to ask you the same thing!"

S: "Really?"

K: "Yeah! Theres this cool waterfall place near the park y/n and I went to! So, you in?"

S: "Sure"

K "Okay, I'll come over to your place at noon."

S: "Sounds good"

Throughout that conversation with Kirishima, I had a knot in my stomach. I just couldn't figure out why.

~Time skip~

I heard a knock on my door and quickly hurried over and opened it. Kirishima was there, looking happy a ever. I knew this because he had a smile glued to his face. Not that it was new, he was always smiling. 

"Hey, you ready?" He asks cheerfully.
I didn't say anything. I just nod.
"Alright, lets go!"
Kirishima replies.
We start walking to the place we planned to go. Still, I had that uncomfortable knot in my stomach. I knew what I wanted to ask him, but I didn't how I was going to do it.

On top of thought, I needed to ask  [Y/N] if it was really a date, of if they were just hanging out as friends. That too I was nervous about.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we reached the waterfall we had planned to go to. Wether you believe me or not, I should tell you that the view took mine and Kirishima's breath away in an instant.
We both were silent for a bit. I was silent because I needed to gather the courage to Talk to Kirishima, but I don't know why Kirishima was silent.

I think he was admiring the view. Which only made it harder for me to talk to him, because I didn't want to disturb his peace. Finally, i'm able to spit out a few words.

 Finally, i'm able to spit out a few words

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"Hey Kirishima?"
I ask him, nervously.

"Whats up?" He responds. He doesn't make eye contact with me though, he was just so fixated on the view.

"When you and  [Y/N] went out to the park near here, was it true that it was date, and not just you two hanging out?"

Kirishima looked at me. At this moment, I wished I could take back everything. I should've just kept my mouth shut!

"Well,  [Y/N] just thought it to be a simple 'friend date' or whatever its called."

Kirishima said. I noticed the smile on his face was less wide and less cheery then it was before.

"But to be honest Shinsou, I really like  [Y/N]. I wanted it to be a date, but I don't think they did."

All the dreadful feeling I felt before this had came flooding back to me. I wanted  [Y/N] to be happy more then anything else,  even if it meant seeing him/her with Kirishima.

"So Shinsou, I know you were  [Y/N]'s childhood friend, I just wanted to know, do you have feelings for   [Y/N]?"
He asked me.

Without thinking, I respond:

"Nope! Not at all!"

Right after I said that, I felt like vomiting. Did I really just deny my feelings for someone I had loved for years? God, i'm so stupid! I should've just kept my mouth shut.

"Really? Wow."

Kirishima responds. I check the time; my phone read 8:43.

"Hey Kirishima, we should start heading back. I don't want your parents getting angry."

Really I didn't care if he got in trouble or not. I just want to get out of there as fast as possible.
Kirishima nods and we start heading back.

Shinsou's house

I sit on my bed, completely drained. I feel so selfish. I really like  [Y/N], but I want him/her to he happy more then I want  [Y/N]. Besides, Kirishima is better for him/her. He's a lot stronger, more handsome, and way more positive. He would be a better influence on  [Y/N] then I could ever be. I only realized I was crying when I heard a soft voice call out to me.

"Shinsou?" I look up to see  [Y/N] standing at my doorway. He/she walks up to me. "Hey"  [Y/N] says to me in a comforting voice. "Why are you here?" I ask through my cries. "You check on my every night, and I wanted to make sure you were okay this time, and I'm glad I came." 

[Y/N] brings me into a warm embrace and I just hug back. I sobbed into the crook of his/her neck and  [Y/N] just drew circles on my back to comfort me. After what felt like forever,  [Y/N] spoke. "Do you want to talk about it Shinsou?" She/ he asked.

I nod. I want to talk, but Ijust couldn't stop crying.
"Take as much time as you need." She responds to my cries.

" [Y/N], who do you love?"

I could tell she was a bit surprised by the question, not responding at first. [Y/N]'s  silence made me regret what I said before  [Y/N] spoke again.

"I love the person who stayed with me ever since I was young. I love the person, who swore the would be a hero even though everybody told him that he would end up being a villain. I love the guy who would let me cry on his shoulder, even if it got annoying."

I stayed silent. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. I just stare at  [Y/N]'s beautiful eyes a little longer before He/she spoke again.

"I love you Shinsou."

I wipe away my tears before saying something I never thought I'd say.

"I love you too  [Y/N]"

(1151 words)

I hope you guys like longer chapters! I just wanted to make this one really long because I need to go on break for a little while. Recently a friend close of mine got into an accident and I just couldn't bring myself to make anymore chapters. I'm doing a lot better now, so I was able to make this, but I don't think I could do anymore until i'm fully recovered. I love you all to pluto and back, and I hope you guys have enjoyed my story so far.

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