23| Bonus AU- Lowkey

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please enjoy the song : - )

wonder what i'll do when the cops come through

and the whiskeys run out

cause i've been thinking bout' you since half past noon

wanna take this down town?

"Hey, [Y/N]." Hitoshi spoke as he gently shook [Y/N] awake.

"Mm, yeah?" [Y/N] spoke, slowly regaining consciousness.

"Look at the sky." Hitsohi spoke again whilst starring up at the dark night sky, illuminated with nothing but the twinkling stars that were splatted across it.

[Y/N] didn't speak; they were speechless due to the sight.

this liquid courage

got me way to honest

put your phone on vibrate , lets catch your vibe babe

while the suns down

[Y/N] gently laid down on the soft green grass, Hitoshi following quickly behind his lover.

Tonight was amazing." Hitsohi spoke. [Y/N] didn't respond, but just giggled softly.

"What time is it?" [Y/N] asked, curiously.

"I think it's kiss-me-o'clock." Hitoshi responded, whilst smirking like the sly smartass he was.

Hush now I know we're a little too fucked up to stay still , love

be as quiet as you can cause if anyone sees they'll just blow shit up

I don't gotta know if your taken , i'll just leg you know the bedrooms vacant

no ones gotta know , just us and the moon till' the sun starts wakin'

[Y/N] looked over at Hitoshi, he also looked back. Both were blushing multiple shades of pink.

"Well, if you say so." [Y/N] said while smiling back and gaining some confidence. Slowly, the lovers lips connected. Hitoshi quickly climbed on top of his lover whilst making sure not to break the contact.  Soon, both their hands intertwined in a tender embrace.

The pair kissed until they were out of breath. Hitoshi's lips hovered over [Y/N]'s, their foreheads touched as Hitoshi's warm breath brushed up against [Y/N]'s face.

Ups the only direction I seeas long as we keep this

low  ,  low  ,  low ,   low low low lowlow-key,

you don't even gotta

lolololo , lo , lo , lolove me

"I would fucking die for you." Hitoshi whispered under his breath.

"You almost did." [Y/N] whispered back.

Hitoshi didn't say anything, but kissed his lovers soft lips he was almost addicted too.

The two didn't care if they could be seen; almost as if they wanted the world to know how powerful their love is.

"Promise me we'll come back here, and that we'll be together forever?" The words that came out of your mouth were almost intoxicatingly sweet, but you didn't care how cliche it was. Hitoshi nodded, taking your hand in his, reaffirming your love.

us in a king size , keep it a secret

say i'm your queen I , don't wanna leave this

low  ,  low  ,  low ,   low ,  low ,  low ,  low ,  low-key

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