46|| bonus au- yandere alphabet

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god i can't believe i'm doing this-

soooo, i'm actually not a fan of yandere stuff. when it comes to yandere fanfiction, i think its a pool of blood and stockholm syndrome that i can admire from afar, but never dip my feet into. i guess people like it because it shows how much the yandere is willing to do for their s/o in the name of love (and i mean a sick, twisted love at that) but idk. call me vanilla, i'm just not a fan :,)

with that being said, i like testing my comfort zone when it comes to writing, and one of you guys actually private messaged me about this since i asked you guys to request, so thats why i'm writing this. they asked to be anonymous, but you know who you are lol.

a- affection. how do they show their love for you?

Yandere stuff aside, Shinsou is surprisingly clingy. He always finds a way to sneak his arm around your waist and hold your hand, as if at any moment you could slip away from him.

b- blood. how messy are they willing to get?

He prefers taking care of his victims without bloodshed. Sometimes he'll poison or suffocate them, but if it's someone closer to you, than he'll brainwash them and tell them to take themselves out. This way, it's not his fault- at least, it doesn't appear so. He knows that its a villainous use of his quirk, but in his mind, its all fair play when it comes to you.

c- cruelty. how would they treat you if they abduct you?

My first thought was that he probably wouldn't abduct you in the first place. He knows that UA and your life is important to you, so he wouldn't want to cage you down completely. However, if something were to happen and his "protective" instincts roll in, then my dear, be ready for a possessive and scary Shinsou. Trying to escape? Nope, not on his watch? Try to call for help? Good luck with that. Try and...persuade him? Do you really wanna test your luck?

d- darling. aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darlings will?

Hitoshi has vowed to not hurt you or your family. Though, he would find other ways to "protect" you from your family. Whether thats though persuasion (In other words, threatening them) or making sure you don't spend too much time with them- sometimes forcefully.

e- exposed. how vulnerable are they toward their darling?

Hitoshi is a very closed off guy. If you want him to open up about how he feels, you're funny. With you though, he learns that vulnerability and asking for help doesn't make you weak. (THAT GOES FOR EVERYONE READING THIS! 🖤) Though you may have to ask him multiple times, he trusts you and will confide his feelings in you.

f- fight. if abducted, would they fight their darling?

Like I said, he has vowed to never hurt you. Though any yandere probably can't separate love from control, he would try to make is so that he won't have to physically harm you. Maybe he'll brainwash you, are quickly sedate you, who knows.

g- game. would they enjoy trying to watch their darling escape?

Depends. He'll freak out if you accidentally hurt yourself or if you have a serious meltdown, but otherwise he wouldn't feel anything watching you try and leave him.

h- hell. what is their darlings worst experience with them?

I don't know, perhaps when you find out how he's been protecting you? You see, Hitoshi sees you as a precious, pure light that shouldn't ever be tainted by his darkness. So the moment you confront him about all he's been doing, is the day that renders him speechless.

i- ideals. what do they plan for their future to be like?

As soon as you two graduate, he considers marriage. Just thinking about how you could legally be his stimulates his mind and body indescribably. From then on, unless you go out of your way to make him jealous, he trusts and loves you more than he ever thought he could.

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