19| Bonus- Shinsou Headcanons

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This isn't related to this chapter whatsoever, but I think I'm going to revision the ending chapter of Scarred. I'm going to be 100% honest, I hade exams the next day and so it was super rushed. I should've waited until after exams to right a clean, polished ending for the story instead of a rushed, messy one. I don't know what came over me, I guess I was just pressured to finish it. When I finished writing it, I just said 'good enough' and published it. But heres a writing tip: An ending isn't 'good enough'. An ending is good and satisfying for the reader. You want the reader to be satisfied, not for the reader to close the book and say 'good enough.'

So, I'm going to revision it, and maybe some other chapters too.

Dating Shinsou would include:

-Lots of cuddles
-Lots of cats
-Lots of Cat Cuddles
-And coffee.

Fighting with Shinsou would include:

-Literally a flood of tears
-Throwing Cats
- Yelling
-And a heartfelt apology

Intimacy with Shinsou would include:

-Whispering sweet nothings
-Just staring into each others eyes without talking
-Stroking hair
-anD sEx

Breakups with Shinsou would include:

-"You were good to me"
-Sad hugs as if it were the last you would give
-Looking at old pictures of you two as a couple
-And getting back together

Hoped you enjoyed that :)

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