12 | Missing

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Hey, theres some swearing in this. Just a little warning.
Shinsou Pov
"Y/n is missing?!"  I nearly yelled.
"Yeah, I just heard from her/his brother!" Kirishima explains. "He said that she couldn't find her anywhere, and she/he wasn't answering his calls." Kirishima says.
I clench my fists. "When did he tell you?!" I ask frantically.
"Yesterday when I went to visit, Haruka explained everything." Kirishima replies.

You better be alright Y/n.

I sat down in class. Everyone seems to be confused about the situation. Kirishima was telling all his friends while most of the girls seemed to panic. Bakugou was just listening in minding his own business and not really caring about the situation. Midoriya and Todoroki both tried calling  him/her, but both received nothing.

I notice how Kirishima exits the room, but I didn't think much of it.

I was worried sick. My mind thought of a million different reasons she could be gone. Maybe shes/he's  sick? Maybe she/he  ran away some where? Maybe shes dead?!?! I bury my face into my hands for a moment.

God why Y/n? Why tell me you love me and then disappear?

Y/n Pov

My eyes flutter open again. Was I dreaming. I look at my surrounding. Ok, definitely not dreaming. I hear footsteps approaching me.

"Fuck you!" I yell. I don't know why the hell I'm here, but its reminding me of the nightmares. Tears slid down my cheeks.

"Oh, don't cry doll." A man who looks to be in his 20's approaches me. He has silver hair and blue eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I yell.
"I can't tell you that much N/n-"
"Don't ever fucking call me that." I cut him off.
"Wow, I like someone who can kick my ass."
He replies with a smirk.
"As I was saying, I can't tell you that much, but the red haired boy you saw earlier, that was me. I can shape shift into almost anybody. Impressive, don't you think N/n?" He asks.

"I've seen way better. I'd choose a brainwashing quirk, which is better, over that bullshit."
I spat out.
"Woah, a feisty one." He replies.
"Are you the one who wrote the letter and took my out on that date?" I ask.

"Why, yes! I thought you'd never ask!" He responds.

"Then was did you do to the real Kirishima??" I ask, beginning to feel anxious. The man didn't say anything, but instead reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of Kirishima, lying on the floor, covered in bruises and covered in blood.

"Matches his hair, don't you think, Doll?" He asks.
Tears spill from my eyes. "Y-you bitch." I whisper.
He doesn't say anything, but runs his fingers through my hair. "You don't have to react like that, Y/n." He says. He wipes the tears from my face and I shoot him a death glare. "You will pay for what you did to him!" I yell. I look back at the picture.
"What did he ever do to you..." I whisper. More tears fall from my eyes.

"I leave you alone for now." He says. He gets up and exits the room.

Kirishima, I'm sorry...

Please don't kill me

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