17 | Bonus- Parting letter

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Alright first off, I had written this after the ending chapter, but kept it unpublished. I was debating on weather to publish it or not, but then I thought 'what was the point of writing it if I was just gonna keep it unpublished?' So you know what? I'm just gonna publish it.

revised  version*

"This was in [Y/N]'s hospital room, Hitoshi." Haruka said while handing me a letter signed with a simple 'please read after I die'

"Are you sure you want me to read it? Your they're  brother..." I asked Haruka, hesitating to open the letter.

"I'm sure she would've wanted you to read it, Hitoshi." He replied while exiting funeral hall, leaving me alone. So, while walking home, I read it.

And came home a sobbing mess.

Hey, It's [Y/N]. I guess by the time you're reading this, I would've stopped breathing. But I wanted to write this as a final goodbye.

First off, please don't cry. I don't want to die like that. Second, I'll jut discuss the Elephant in the room. Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima.

By the time your reading this, you probably already know that ominous villain already killed him.
I kind of blamed myself for that. The villain killed him to take his place to get to ME, I couldn't help but feel responsible.

But I guess, wherever I'm going, I'll see him. Maybe I can apologize? I don't know, god, It feels weird writing about something I don't know the answer too.

No matter what I did, I felt responsible for him. But I hope he knows he had friends like you guys who will continue to love and miss him. I know it won't be the same without him, and maybe me too? I hope so... I won't be around long enough for you guys to tell me the impact I had on you all.

But, I hope I had a good one. I hope I made your lives just a little bit better.. If I didn't, I'm sorry, maybe in another life I could do better...

But if I did, well, I can't describe how happy that makes me feel.

Also, Shinsou, hi. Please, here me out. I figured you might be mad at me, for something. Just know, when I first met you, I thought you were an idiot. A loud, stubborn, weird, idiot.

But, I guess after that, when I began to get to know you, you weren't so bad. Turns out we got along really well. I found myself caring about you a lot..... more then just a best friend should. But, There was no way I was in love, right? Wrong.

People change. I don't what it was, but I fell in love with how you were so determined to become a hero, even when everyone said otherwise. You were my best friend, to say the least. You weren't an idiot, in fact, I was.

My time here was a short one, but I couldn't have had it better. Seeing your smiles and all of my friends  made my life better by every passing second. Also, Shinsou, I still have the sweater I borrowed from you in middle school. It's in my closet, you may have it back now.

You're amazing, and I love you. Please, tell everybody I'm sorry for leaving so soon. Tell them I'm sorry a million times over, and thank them too. Thank them for being my friends- no, thank them for being my family.

I've said it a lot but I'll say it again:

Don't forget,

I love you.

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