18 | Bonus - Waking up next to you

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To [Y/N],

I want to start with this first. I took my sweater back, and, as creepy as it sounds, it smelt like you. More them it should. How often did you wear that? It cracks me up just thinking about it.

Alright, creepy stuff aside, I really miss you. Sometimes I hope and pray that this will all just be a bad dream, and that when I wake up, you'll be there to wrap me in your embrace, and that when I go to school I can see everybody's smiles, and mose importantly, yours.

I dream about waking up next to you, your hair messy and everything. I dream that it's the only time I can sleep without any insomnia interrupting me.

I dream about having you in my arms, without a care in the world. I always think about wiping your tears away when you cry, about holding your hair back when you get sick, about taking you home when you drink just a little too much, just the cliché couple things, the things I wish I could do with you.

I've fallen out of love since meeting you. Kaminari and the rest of the gang has tried setting me up with other people, but none of them compare to you.

I can't let go of you. I know, that makes me weak or something, but I'm only strong when I'm with you.

Wherever you are, I hope you're happy. I hope that you are able to watch over me and all of Class 1-A.

I love you,


I signed the letter and put it into an envelope. I then picked up the letter and left my house. I began walking to the cemetery, thoughts of [Y/N] began filling my mind. Despite how cliché it sounds, it began to rain as soon as I reached [Y/N]'s grave. I softly placed down the bouquet of roses with the letter attached to it.

I was soaked with rain water, but I didn't care. At that moment, I only cared about [Y/N].

I'm planning on doing a Q and A, so if you have a question comment them here!

I just finished Episode 37 Of Bungou stray dogs and I feel inspired to finish Todoroki's ending on the oneshot book. So except that to happen soon.

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