39| Bonus AU- For Elija ❤️

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happy birthday Elija soukk_ !!! Thank you for being my best friend and sticking with me throughout all of my annoying shit. I appreciate it so much ❤️ Thank you for being the Natsu to my Happy, or the Alphonse to my Edward, or the Violet to my Clem, or the Bakugou to my Kirishima, or the Masaomi to my Mikado, or the Dazai to my Atsushi, or the Todoroki to my boiling water, in short words, I love you and I hope you have an amazing day!! Dear readers, please send him some love ❤️❤️❤️

5:43 am.

Since both you and your boyfriend decided that you couldn't sleep all night, you decided to move to the rooftop to watch the sunrise together.

Your gaze locked on the various hues of warm orange, blending together with the blue that was once the night sky. Hitoshi gently wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You blushed, feeling the warmth radiating off his body.
Using his free hand, he gently wrapped the blanket around the both of you.

"Hey, [Y/N]?" Hitoshi spoke, breaking the silence. You hummed in response.

"Do you ever think about, well, us?"

"What about us?"

"Well, like, our future together?"

The question he asked caused you to think. Your future together? But what if your future wasn't with him? You were sure that, at some point he would leave you. Maybe an argument got too intense, or he finds someone better, or simply, just gets tired of you. You were never the best partner, you always told yourself.


"I don't know. Would you even want to stay with me for that long?" You blurted out. An uncomfortable silence took over as you immediately regretted what you had said. Just as you were about to apologize for screwing up, Hitoshi cut you off:

"Actually, yeah, I would."

You blushed at his words. You looked at him, seeing his cheeks radiate multiple shades of pink as he looked down. You gave him a quick peck on his blushing cheek before leaning against his shoulder, once again focusing your gaze on the morning sun.

I'm sorry this was short, but happy birthday Elija!!

I'm sorry this was short, but happy birthday Elija!!

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I love you guys to pluto and back ❤️

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