29| Bonus- SFW Alphabet

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I'm still really sad about what happened a few days back, but I wanted to write this.

A- Affection: Buys you flowers occasionally, and I SWEART TO GOD this man loves to cuddle

B-Best friend: Will always be there for you and if theres anyone out there that wrongs you, he'll probably make them jump off a cliff with his quirk.

C-Cuddles: Shinsou loves to cuddle with you, especially at night since it helps him sleep.

A-N I keep almost writing Shizuo because I'm rewatching Durarara and it's making me realize how much I love this angry blonde bartender-

D-Domestic: I think at first, he'd probably want a casual relationship, but with you he'd settle down for something more serious. He loves you like that ❤️

E-Ending: Breaking up is the last thing he'd want, but if its you that initiates it, he wants you to be happy, even if your happy without him.

F-Fiancé: Probably a few years into your relationship, or just when he feels your both ready.

G-Gentle: He's very patient with you and is always there for you emotionally. He hates seeing you upset, angry, or just unhappy. Physically, he's always gentle with you, especially at night.

H-Hugs: Loves to do that thing where he hugs you from behind and then kisses your shoulder ❤️ Other then that, he probably likes to kiss your forehead while hugging you or likes to rub circles on your back.

I-I love you: Probably a few months into your relationship, and it probably cane after a fight. All you we're expecting was just a hug and an apology, but then you were hit with 'I love you. So much.'

J-Jealousy: Will probably just wrap his arm around your waist if he's only a little jealous. But if he's super jealous, he'll probably use his quirk to mess around with them.

K-Kisses: In public, probably only gentle and soft kisses on the cheek, lips, or forehead. But if its just the two of you, those kisses can become passionate.

L-little ones: At one point probably wants kids, and I'm sure he'll be an amazing father.

M-morning: You know you have to wake his lazy ass up-

N-night: Other then cuddling, sleeping with you is the only thing that can help him sleep without insomnia interrupting him. Other then that, you two love to just stare into each others eyes and stroke each others hair.

Well, thats if your not fucking-

O-Open: At first, Shinsou is a closed book. But overtime, he opens to you little by little. You start to learn more about his life and his problems, and your always there for him when he does talk about it.

P-PDA: Only soft kisses and hugs, nothing more then that

Q-Quirk: Would probably use his quirk to mess around and tease you from time to time

R-Remember: This one time, Bakugou was annoying the shit out of everyone in the hallway, so when Shinsou passed by, out of pure spite you asked him to used his quirk on Bakugou, so he did. I leave the rest to your imagination-

S-Security: Hitoshi Shinsou. The most overprotective guy. He has good intentions, but will freak out if Anything bad happens to you.

"Oh my god, Denki was flirting with you!"

"He asked me for a spare pencil, Shinsou."

T-Try: Will always buy you flowers on Valentines day and on your anniversary, he'll take you out on dates occasionally, he'll always find a way to make you happy.

U-ugly: Sometimes he can just shut you put completely. I imagine he's bullied a lot, but since he doesn't want to drag you into his mess, he'll just ignore you. He fails to realize you love him no matter what.

V-Vanity: I don't want him to be, but he's probably insecure about a few things. (like all teens are.) He'd never admit it to you though.

W-Whole: He knows he loves you, but he never realize just how much he needs you. If you two ever break up, all he'll let himself say is that he's happier without you, even if he isn't.

X-Xtra: 3:17 AM
Hitoshi: Can you come over? I can't sleep

Y-Yuck: Even though he does it to you, he doesn't want you to hide your problems from him. He's always there for you, and he never wants you to suffer through something alone.

Z-Zzz: Again, he has a lot of insomnia, but when he's with you, he can actually sleep well.

Again, i'm still sad about what happened, but I want to continue these book.

I love you all to pluto and back ❤️

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