16 | Remember

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Revised version*

The past few weeks have been a living hell for me. An overwhelming depression took over me, knowing I didn't have that much time left. I wanted to spend it out with family and friends, but I was hospitalized. The best I could do was look out my window.

That night, I remember and can't ever forget...

From afar, I was watching couples gazing at the various vibrant fireworks. I didn't envy them, however, I felt happy that so many people could still enjoy there lives.

I felt someones presence enter the room.

I turn around to see Shinsou with a melancholic expression on his face. However, there remained a glint of hope in his lilac orbs.

"I'm really sad I can't go out..." I whisper while watching the fireworks.

"Who says you can't?" Shinsou asks me while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, causing me to look at him.

"Shinsou..." I whisper.

"Y/n, I want to spend your last moments with you, and I don't want to waste them with you trapped here anymore..." Shinsou states.

Just a few moments after, I was holding Shinsou's hand, watching the fireworks on a hill, far away from other people.

The moment was a moment I would cherish forever.

Shinsou turns to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. "I love you Y/n.." He whispers.
I didn't respond, but instead I leaned in for a kiss. Shinsou and I shared a soft, yet passionate kiss. We both then pulled away.

"Shinsou, I feel tired..." I whispered. That was enough to cause a few tears to fall from Shinsou's eyes. "It's Ok Y/n, you can rest..." He whispered while I leaned my head against his shoulder.

Soon, I fell asleep.

Shinou POV

I wake up to find no more fireworks in the sky, but just a stars filling it up instead. I turn over to Y/n to wake them up.

"Hey Y/n."

I tapped their shoulder, only to feel it cold through the fabric. I feel a knot form in my stomach.

Carefully, I place my fingers on they're neck.

Nothing. There was no pulse.

Tears fall from my eyes as I search for any signs of life, but there was nothing. My cries turn into a sob as I hug Y/n's lifeless body.

People started to notice, maybe it was  my voice cracking each time I called they're name. I knew, but I was in denial.

I was lost in a sea of grief. But the only thing keeping me afloat was that one glint of joy, that glint of joy being the fact that I knew [Y/N] was no longer in pain.

"You can rest now, [Y/N]...."


The funeral was heartbreaking. Tears streamed down my face as Haruka, they're brother put they're hand on my shoulder as an act of comfort.

What was left for me was a blank slate,

But followed was everything I had and everything I lost, all in the form of a Silhouette.

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